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从2002年下半年开始,全球原材料价格“涨”声一片,特别是钢材,价格一路飙升,对于已处于微利时期的国内装载机行业来说无异于雪上加霜。近几年,在国内宏观经济一片大好的背景下,装载机行业始终保持高速增长的势头,行业的龙头企业想方设法提高产能,新介入的企业也不在少数。但随着装载机产品的两度降阶风波和原材料价格的不断上扬,很多企业都感觉到生产装载机利润越来越低。 应对原材料价格上涨的方法有很多种,整合采购渠道以降低采购成本是人们比较熟悉的方法,大多数装载机生产企业早已经意识到降低采购成本的重要性,然而,时至今日通过整合采购渠道的方式来降低产品成本的空间已所剩无几。面对涨势汹汹的原材料价格,人们不得不再次挑起装载机行业最敏感的话题:调整产品价格。 2004年2月23-24日,中国工程机械工业协会应部分装载机企业的要求,在北京召开了“中国工程机械工业协会装载机产品价格协调会”。会上,各大装载机生产企业负责人开诚布公地谈了自己对行业发展的看法。 Since the second half of 2002, the price of global raw materials has risen sharply, especially in the steel industry. Prices have soared. This is even worse for the domestic loader industry, which has been in a period of low profit. In recent years, under the favorable macroeconomic background in the country, the loader industry has maintained its momentum of rapid growth. Leading enterprises in the industry are trying their best to increase their production capacity. There are also a few newly recruited enterprises. However, with the downgrade of loader products and the rising prices of raw materials, many companies feel that the profits of production loaders are getting lower and lower. There are many ways to deal with the rising price of raw materials. It is a familiar method to integrate procurement channels to reduce procurement costs. Most loader manufacturers have long realized the importance of reducing procurement costs. However, up to now, through the integration of procurement channels Way to reduce product cost of space has been left. Faced with rising raw material prices, people have once again provoked the most sensitive topic in the loader industry: to adjust the price of the product. February 23-24, 2004, China Construction Machinery Association should be part of the loader business requirements, held in Beijing, “China Construction Machinery Industry Association Loader product price coordination.” At the meeting, the head of the major loader manufacturing enterprises spoke frankly about their own views on the development of the industry.
70年代末80年代初在许多国家广泛展开的超经济模式、具有趋同性的政府体制改革 ,主要是由经济一体化引起的 ,人们称之为“行政现代化”。调整政府职能 ,提高经济竞争力其一、缩小