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以长期定位试验为基础,研究不同长期施肥模式对中国东北黑土表层(0~20 cm)及亚表层(20~40 cm)土壤碳、氮的影响.结果表明,有机肥的施入显著提高了表层土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)含量,其中以有机无机配施处理最为显著.与不施肥相比,常量和高量有机无机配施分别增加了表层SOC含量24.6%和25.1%,分别增加了表层土壤TN含量29.5%和32.8%,亚表层土壤SOC和TN含量对施肥无响应.尽管常量及高量有机无机配施分别增加了黑土0~40 cm土壤碳储量11.6%和7.6%、氮储量17.3%和12.7%,但各处理之间无显著差异,仅增加了黑土碳、氮储量的变异性.与不施肥相比,有机肥的施用不仅显著增加了表层和亚表层土壤微生物生物量碳、氮(SMBC、SMBN)及可溶性碳、氮(DOC、DN)的含量,且显著提高了这些组分在总有机碳、全氮中所占的比例.有机无机配施处理能使表层土壤SMBC/SOC、SMBN/TN值分别提高0.36~0.59和1.21~1.95个百分点,而DOC/SOC、DN/TN也分别达到0.53%~0.72%和1.41%~1.78%.土壤微生物生物量碳氮、可溶性碳氮及其在总有机碳、氮中所占的比例对于施肥的响应在土壤剖面上表现更为敏感,更能反映土壤肥力对于长期施肥的响应.有机肥的施入尤其是有机无机配施能显著提高黑土表层和亚表层土壤有机碳、氮活性,有利于提升土壤肥力和养分供应能力,但同时也导致了农田系统碳、氮的大量损失,容易引起潜在的环境污染. Based on the long-term experiment, the effects of different long-term fertilization modes on soil carbon and nitrogen in the surface layer (0-20 cm) and subsurface (20-40 cm) soil layer in Northeast China were studied. The results showed that the application of organic manure significantly increased (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) in the surface soil, of which organic and inorganic treatments were the most significant.Compared with non-fertilization, organic and inorganic fertilizers increased surface SOC content by 24.6% and 25.1% , Respectively, increased TN contents of surface soil by 29.5% and 32.8%, respectively, whereas SOC and TN contents of sub-surface soil did not respond to fertilization. Although soil organic carbon storage in 0-40 cm soil layer increased by 11.6% and 7.6% % And nitrogen reserves of 17.3% and 12.7%, respectively, but no significant differences were found among the treatments, which only increased the variability of carbon and nitrogen reserves in black soil.Compared with no fertilization, the application of organic manure not only significantly increased the surface and subsurface soil Microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen (SMBC, SMBN) and soluble carbon and nitrogen (DOC, DN), and significantly increased the proportion of these components in total organic carbon and total nitrogen. The surface soil SMBC / SOC, SMBN / TN values ​​were increased by 0.36 ~ 0 .59 and 1.21-1.95 percentage points, respectively, while DOC / SOC and DN / TN also reached 0.53% -0.72% and 1.41% -1.78% respectively. Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, soluble carbon and nitrogen, Is more sensitive to soil fertility in response to fertilization and more reflects the response of soil fertility to long-term fertilization.The application of organic manure, especially organic and inorganic fertilization, can significantly improve the organic and inorganic properties of the surface and subsurface soil organic matter Carbon and nitrogen activities are beneficial to improve soil fertility and nutrient supply capacity, but also lead to a large loss of carbon and nitrogen in farmland system, which can easily lead to potential environmental pollution.
扩总量上规模 高起点增效益江苏省射阳县新坍轧花厂陈彪近年来,我们厂认真实施县委、县政府“上规模、创名牌、建支柱”的战略,抢抓机遇,实施滚动投入,企业得到了快速的发展,三年
【考点1】Excuse me.Can you please tell me where I Can get a dictionary?(p.86)【直击中考】—____,could you tell me the way to the bank?—Yes.Go straight and you
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