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北京山水宾馆隶属国土资源部服务局 ,原是自收自支的事业单位。 2 0 0 2年初通过更新改造、融资改制、加强管理、提高服务 ,将原有招待所式的宾馆改造成为初步具有现代企业特征、具备智能化的三星级商务型酒店。一、大手笔 ,脱胎换骨改造老宾馆山水宾馆地处西单繁华地区 ,东为 Beijing Landscape Hotel under the Ministry of Land and Resources Service Bureau, the original self-supporting institutions. In early 2002, the original guesthouse type hotel was transformed into a three-star business hotel that is initially characterized by modern enterprises and has been upgraded through renovation, financing and restructuring, strengthening management and service enhancement. First, generous, reborn transform Old Hotel Shanshui Hotel is located in the bustling Xidan area, east
本文从测桩仪的用户及仪器制造的角度出发,阐述桩基动测外部仪器的正确配置方法。 In this paper, from the point of view of user and instrument manufacture of pile-mea
1 引言 复合肥料是国际肥料趋向之一,美国的原料肥料生产地比较集中,他们有近万家复混肥料加工厂点,分布于农业生产地。我国小氮肥厂遍布农业生产区,以小氮肥厂的碳铵为原料
We use the Centroid Moment Tensor(CMT) solution of the earthquakes occurred in Chile subduction to analyze the characteristics of focal mechanisms.We define the
比较 3.2 mm上方角膜缘切口、上方巩膜切口和颞侧角膜缘切口行超声乳化白内障吸出后房折叠人工晶体植入术 (PEA+ FIOL 术 )术后角膜屈光状态。方法 :对 6 8例 73眼白内障患者
“八五”前4年,在党的十四大精神指导下,我国的村镇建设事业在前10年迅猛发展的基础上,又取得了新的进展。主要表现在: 1.农村住宅建设仍处于持续发展的阶段。从1991年到199
The contrast research results show that the number of items and stations with imminent, short and medium term precursor anomalies for the Wenchuan M_S 8. 0 eart
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