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一、关于生长发育的研究1979年全国十六省市对城乡儿童青少年进行了形态、机能、素质的大规模调查,对我国儿童青少年发育特点和规律有了较全面的了解。在此基础上、近年来不少学者对生长发育的各方面进行了深入的研究。1.生长发育速度方面沈安报告北京、太原、武汉、长沙、成都五大城市中小学生青春发育的突增高峰年龄男生除身高在12岁外,其余指标均在13岁;女生除身高在10岁外,其余均在11岁。女生比男生早二年达到高峰。男女身高体重突增高蜂的增长率几乎相等,但坐高增长率男生大于女生、胸围、肩宽女生略高于男生而骨盘宽女生高于男生最为明显。但身高的发育并不完全与骨骼发育平衡,刘宝林报告:女生身高突增开始时间比骨化加速早一年左右,多数月经初潮时身高增长已减慢,但骨骼的钙化愈合改建在初潮后仍强烈地进行着。女生身高增长最快的时期为月经初潮前 I. A Study on Growth and Development In 1979, large-scale surveys on the form, function and quality of children and adolescents in urban and rural areas were conducted in 16 provinces and municipalities in China, giving a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and laws of the development of children and adolescents in our country. On this basis, in recent years, many scholars conducted in-depth study of all aspects of growth and development. 1. Growth and Development Speed ​​Shen Anan reported the sudden peak growth age boys and girls in primary and secondary school students in Beijing, Taiyuan, Wuhan, Changsha, Chengdu, except for height 12 years old, the remaining indicators are 13 years of age; girls except height 10 years old The rest are 11 years old. Girls reach their peak two years earlier than boys. Men and women height and weight sudden increase in the growth rate of bees is almost the same, but the high growth rate of boys than girls, bust, shoulder width girls slightly higher than boys and girls with bone width is the most obvious. But the height of the development is not fully balanced with the development of bones, Liu Baolin report: girls sudden onset of height than the ossification accelerated about a year earlier, the majority of menopause tidal height growth has slowed down, but the calcification of bone healing rebuilding after menarche Strongly carried out. The fastest growth of girls height period before menarche