Component changes of calcium and phosphorus in osteogenesis by lengthening procedures in adult canin

来源 :Chinese Journal of Traumatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jorlin2008
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Objective: To explore chemical component changes of dog bone at different lengthening time and in different bone regions of interest, and to evaluate the mineralization during Ilizarov lengthening process. Methods: The ash weight, the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and the calcium/phosphorus ratio were measured at different intervals (2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks) since lengthening and the lengthened part was compared with a control area at each interval. Results: The ash weight, the concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the lengthened area differed at all development time. The calcium/phosphorus (Ca/P) ratio in the lengthened region remained significantly lower than that in the control region up to 12 weeks after the lengthening. Conclusions: These results suggest that also other inorganic ions play an important role in the mineralization process and that they become relatively more important since 8 weeks after the lengthening. Objective: To explore chemical component changes of dog bone at different lengthening time and in different bone regions of interest, and to evaluate the mineralization during Ilizarov lengthening process. Methods: The ash weight, the concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and the calcium / phosphorus ratio were measured at different intervals (2, 4, 6, 8, 12 weeks) since lengthening and the lengthened part was compared with a control area at each interval. Results: The ash weight, the concentrations of calcium and phosphorus in the lengthened area differed at all development time. The calcium / phosphorus (Ca / P) ratio in the lengthened region was significantly lower than that in the control region up to 12 weeks after the lengthening. Conclusions: These results suggest that also other inorganic ions play an important role in the mineralization process and that that became more more important since 8 weeks after the lengthening
Objective: To observe the effects of ganglioside GM1 on reduction of brain edema and amelioration of cerebral metabolism after traumatic brain injury (TBI).Meth
单从环保方面来说,纯电动车无疑是最优秀的,但是充电设施的不完善以及自身续航里程有限等因素依然制约着纯电动车的发展,而单纯的混合动力车型在控制CO2排放方面能力有限,于是一种名为“PHEV”的车型诞生了。    PHEV是Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle(插电式混合动力电动车)的缩写,是一种介于EV(纯电动车)和HV(混合动力车)之间的车型,它兼具了EV和HV车型的优点
目的 探讨血管成形术后Ⅰ型胶原的动态演变规律及其与MMP-1和TIMP-1的关系.方法 采用小型猪髂动脉再狭窄动物模型,分别在血管成形术后1、2、3和6个月取材,用免疫组化、透射
它是日产旗下首款量产的纯电动车型,在美国和日本已经开始大量销售,它以一种独特的方式定义了出行的全新环保理念。    电动汽车天生好静,但是过于安静反而加大了行车时对行人的威胁,因此,聆风装载了一套“行人靠近警示系统”。该系统可以发出频率为600~2500Hz的声音,在车辆起步时,警示音量较大,这样有视觉障碍的人可以知道附近有刚刚启动的汽车。在倒车时,系统会发出间歇性的声音。在车速达到30km/h后