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科学技术的进步,使我国教育事业不断良性发展,人们注重身体素质的同时不断追求精神层面的发展。而大学校园,是培养和塑造人们身体素质和精神发展的重要阶段,而体育课程成为学生全面发展的主要课程之一。但是传统体育课程教学注重传授理论知识和竞技技能,只对学生加强体能训练,而不加强人文精神培养,这是人文精神缺失的主要表现,面对飞速发展的经济和越发激烈的人才竞争,需要学生在身体素质和精神面貌上同样优秀才能适应社会发展,才能更好的迎接各种挑战。本文主要阐述了目前大学体育课程人文主义精神的缺失现状,并通过实践探讨,提出体育课程中人文精神再塑造的主要途径,以期实现体育教学改革,同时切实提升学生综合素质。 With the progress of science and technology, our country's educational undertakings have been constantly developing soundly. People pay more attention to the physical quality while continuing to pursue the spiritual development. The university campus, is to train and shape people's physical quality and spiritual development of an important stage, and physical education curriculum to become an all-round development of one of the main courses. However, the traditional physical education teaching focuses on imparting theoretical knowledge and competitive skills, and only strengthening physical training for students without strengthening the humanistic spirit, which is the main manifestation of the lack of humanistic spirit. In the face of the rapid development of economy and the increasingly fierce competition for talent, Students in the same physical fitness and mental outlook in order to adapt to social development, in order to better meet the challenges. This paper mainly elaborates the current lack of humanist spirit in physical education curriculum in colleges and puts forward the main ways to recreate the humanism spirit in physical education curriculum through practice discussion in order to realize the reform of physical education and meanwhile improve the overall quality of students.
1病例报告患者男,81岁。因主动脉夹层动脉瘤于1999年12月30日在某医院行主动脉夹层动脉瘤腔内隔绝术。术后恢复良好,血压控制在100~125/55~65 mmHg,一般生活正常,但有时胸背部
1 病例报告rn患者男,89岁.主因“咳嗽、咳痰60年,气短5年,加重3个月”入院,诊断为慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期,肺源性心脏病,心功能Ⅳ级.既往有冠心病、高血压病、慢性肾功能
1999年1月-2009年6月,我们采用微创颅骨钻孔引流术清除创伤性颅内血肿188例,疗效满意.现分析报告如下.rn1 临床资料rn1.1 一般情况 188例中,男106例,女82例;年龄5~68岁,平均45