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广州白云山制药总厂(以下简称“总厂”)在“六五”期间,以其骄人的成绩,成为南国乃至全国医药企业中一颗璀璨的新星,被誉为我省“新产品最多、产值最大、发展速度最快、经济效益最好的一间药厂”。眨眼间五年过去了。“七五”期间,有1988年经济过热带来的通货膨胀的冲击,也有“治理整顿”紧缩政策带来的资金紧张、市场疲软、三角债的困扰,企业仿佛是大海行舟,一会儿被抛上浪峰,一会儿又摔入波谷,动荡不安的环境,使不少企业陷入了困境。在严峻的考验面前,广州白云山制药总厂交了一份什么样的答卷呢? 企业总收入年均增长率保持在36.49%,企业总产值年均增长率达27.92%,为大企业中少见。 The Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Factory (hereinafter referred to as the “Plant”) has become a brilliant new star in the southern China and even the national pharmaceutical companies with its impressive achievements during the “6th Five-Year Plan” period. It is praised as “the largest number of new products in our province”. , the largest value-added, the fastest growing, the best economic efficiency of a pharmaceutical factory.“ Five years have passed in the blink of an eye. During the ”Seventh Five-Year Plan“ period, there was the impact of inflation caused by the economic overheating in 1988. There were also financial constraints, weak markets, and triangular debts caused by the tightening policy of ”governance and rectification." Enterprises seemed to be sailing in the sea and were thrown for a while. Lang Feng, and then fell into the trough, turbulent and uneasy environment, so many companies are in trouble. In front of the severe test, what kind of answer has been delivered by Guangzhou Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Factory? The average annual growth rate of the company’s total revenue has remained at 36.49%, and the average annual growth rate of the total output value of enterprises has reached 27.92%, which is rare among large enterprises. .
To provide tenants with predictable network performance, tenants are allowed to purchase specified amount of data center network(DCN) resources(e.g., bandwidth)