
来源 :天津市社会主义学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juhaixu
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本课题从民主党派与中国共产党思想同心、理论同源、政治同向、目标同一、具有历史渊源,民主党派核心价值观的定位,民主党派核心价值观的构建,加强参政能力建设是践行核心价值体系的途径与方式四个方面展开论述。运用了历史分析、专项调查、个案分析、理论联系实际等研究方法。明确指出参政党核心价值观的构建必须基于如下前提:有利于中国共产党的长期执政,有利于社会的繁荣稳定,有利于各民主党派的自身发展。因此,民主党派的核心价值观至少应当包括四个内涵:政治性原则、进步性原则、社会性原则、传承性原则。这一价值观构成民主党派形成与发展的一条主线,规定了民主党派无可替代的政治地位及价值取向,也昭示了民主党派广阔的发展前途。这一价值观始终落实于民主党派的政治实践层面,引领着民主党派参政议政的实践模式,而不断创新的实践经验又丰富和充实了民主党派的核心价值观,孕育了中国社会主义政治发展道路的深刻内涵。 This subject from the Democratic Party and the Communist Party of China ideological concentric, the same principle of the same political, with the same goal, with historical origin, the positioning of the core values ​​of the Democratic Party, the construction of the core values ​​of the Democratic Party, to strengthen the ability of participating in politics is to practice the core value system The ways and ways to discuss four aspects. Using historical analysis, special investigation, case analysis, theory and practice research methods. Clearly pointed out that the construction of the core values ​​of the participating parties must be based on the following preconditions: it is conducive to the long-term governance of the CPC, is conducive to social prosperity and stability, and is conducive to the self-development of all democratic parties. Therefore, the core values ​​of the democratic parties should include at least four connotations: the political principle, the progressive principle, the social principle, and the inheritance principle. This value constitutes the main line of the formation and development of the democratic parties, stipulating the indispensable political status and value orientation of the democratic parties and also showing the broad development prospects of the democratic parties. This value has always been implemented in the democratic political practice level, leading the democratic parties to participate in the mode of political participation and practice, and innovative practice has enriched and enriched the core values ​​of the democratic parties, gave birth to the profound development of China’s socialist political path Connotation.
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