
来源 :今古传奇(故事版月末版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mgghz
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1.碗莲三月的宣城,冷清了一年多的林家终于又热闹了起来。林无音坐在梳妆台前,任由丫环梳着匹练般的长发。“小姐,你可真好看。”小丫环羡慕地称赞。“再好看也比不上姐姐。”她低喃。“走吧,娘该催了。”林无音粲然一笑。自从姐姐林无念出事后,林家就被一片哀愁所笼罩,这还是近来小丫环第一次看到林无音的笑容。女子及笄是大事,从此以后便是成人了。林家已是宾朋满座,林无音走到花厅,见父母脸上也带着微微的笑容,心下一松。三次加冠,礼成之时, 1. Bowl Lin Xuancheng in March, deserted more than a year after the Lin finally lively again. Lin silent sitting in front of the dressing table, let the maid combed hair like a match. “Miss, you can be nice. ” Little Joker admire praise. “No better looking than sister. ” She whispered. “Come on, the mother of the reminder. ” Lin silent silent smile. Since the accidental sister Sister Lam, the Lin family was enveloped by a sad place, which is still the first time in recent years, little orangutan Lin smile to see. The woman and the 笄 are great things, and since then they have become adults. Lin family is full of guests, Lin soundless walked to the flower hall, see the parents face also with a slight smile, a heart of relaxation. Crown three times, when the ceremony,
修理中,中央传动锥齿轮副早期磨损的主要原因是:未能保证其正确的啮合条件,缩短了锥齿轮副的使用寿命。归纳为以下六点: (1)检修中安装调整不当。破坏了大小锥齿轮的啮合条
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