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试题已知函数f(x)=-x2+ln(1+2x).(1)求f(x)的最大值;(2)若b>a>0,证明:lna+1b+1>(a-b)(a+b+1).这是2011年春季湖北省部分重点中学期中联考高二数学(理科)试卷的一道压轴题,每个班只有三、五名学生能动手解答第(2)问:双参数不等 (1) Find the maximum value of f (x); (2) If b> a> 0, prove that: lna + 1b + 1> ( (a + b + 1). This is a finale of the Spring 2011 High School Mathematics Mathematics (Science) Examination Paper for some key middle schools in Hubei Province in spring 2011. Only three or five students in each class can answer section (2 Q: The two parameters are not equal
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A new fluorescent probe(Rhod-Sec) for selenol detection with ultralow background fluorescence have been developed in this paper, which showed a 380-fold off-on
近日,住房和城乡建设部发布2013年第218号公告,批准《单层防水卷材屋面工程技术规程》为行业标准,编号为JGJ/T 316—2013,自2014年6月1日起实施。该规程由住房和城乡建设部标
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Formaldehyde, as one of the simplest reactive carbonyl species(RCS), is regarded as a potential carcinogen and a sick house syndrome gas. Recent studies have sh
The thermoelectric performances of 1 T-ZrX_2(X=S and Se) single layers were investigated using a combination of density functional calculations and semi-classic
The solubility of meropenem trihydrate in water+acetone mixtures and water+tetrahydrofuran mixtures were determined from T=(278.15 to 303.15) K by static method