新疆喀什地区伽师县夏普吐勒乡喀赞库尔村的维吾尔族个体户乌斯满·哈吉,1986年11月到北京做杏干买卖后,寄回本地银行一张2. 3万元的汇票。当他今年1月6日到银行取现金时,发现取款单上写成23万元。他肯定这是数字写错所致,就于1月7日去县银行讲明情况,并退还了取款单。他的这一诚实无私的举动使银行工作人员深受感动。
Urumqi Haji, a Uyghur self-employed in the village of Kasanqur in Sharp Tulkhet Village, Kashi Prefecture of Kashi Prefecture in Xinjiang, made a sale of dried apricots in Beijing in November 1986, and sent a loan of 23,000 yuan draft. When he went to the bank for cash on January 6 this year, he found that 230,000 yuan was written on the withdrawal slip. He is sure that this is due to the wrong number. He went to the county bank on January 7 to state the situation and returned the withdrawal slip. His honesty and selflessness touched the bank’s staff deeply.