Degree of polarization based on the three-component pBRDF model for metallic materials

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liguang1233000
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An expression of degree of polarization(DOP) for metallic material is presented based on the three-component polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function(p BRDF) model with considering specular reflection, directional diffuse reflection and ideal diffuse reflection. The three-component p BRDF model with a detailed reflection assumption is validated by comparing simulations with measurements. The DOP expression presented in this paper is related to surface roughness, which makes it more reasonable in physics. Test results for two metallic samples show that the DOP based on the three-component p BRDF model accords well with the measurement and the error of existing DOP expression is significantly reduced by introducing the diffuse reflection. It indicates that our DOP expression describes the polarized reflection properties of metallic surfaces more accurately. An expression of degree of polarization (DOP) for metallic material is presented based on the three-component polarized bidirectional reflectance distribution function (p BRDF) model with considering specular reflection, directional diffuse reflection and ideal diffuse reflection. The three-component p BRDF model with a detailed reflection assumption is validated by comparing simulations with measurements. The DOP expression presented in this paper is related to surface roughness, which makes it more reasonable in physics. Test results for two metallic samples show that the DOP based on the three-component p BRDF model accords well with the measurement and the error of existing DOP expression is significantly reduced by introducing the diffuse reflection. It indicates that our our DOP expression describes the polarization reflection properties of metallic surfaces more accurately.
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