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“X比Y差/好N个Z”是一种新兴的“三项式差比句”。这种新兴的差比句与原型差比句的主要区别在于,比较主体与比较对象之间的差异用“数量词组+专有名词”形式引入同一范畴的第三者来居中衡量。此类“差比句”实际上是借助差比构式给出了对三者优劣程度的主观评价。X>Z×N>Y、XZ”“Z>Y”的构式整合。在语义上,“三项式差比句”运用比拟和夸张的手段,用“N个Z”突显X、Y之间的差量之大,进而突显比较主体的优劣程度,是一种表示显著递升或递降级差的主观比较,其内在形成机理与补语是汉语中的一个显赫范畴有关。“三项式差比句”在语用上的特征体现为信息量的突显、主观性及交互主观性的表达,整个构式还带有贬谑意味。 “X worse than Y / good N Z ” is a new “tripartite difference sentence ”. The main difference between this new comparison clause and the prototype comparison sentence is that the difference between the comparative subject and the comparison object is measured by the third party who is introduced into the same category by the form of “number phrase + proper noun”. Such “bad comparison sentence ” is actually a subjective evaluation of the three advantages and disadvantages using the difference ratio structure. X> Z × N> Y, X Z ” “Z> Y ”. Semantically, “tripartite difference between the sentence ” using the means of comparison and exaggeration, with “N Z ” highlighting the difference between X, Y large, and then highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the main comparison, Is a subjective comparison of significant ascent or descent, and its intrinsic mechanism of formation is related to a prominent category in Chinese. The pragmatic characteristics of “trixial difference clauses” are manifested in the prominence of the amount of information, the subjectivity and the expression of subjectivity and subjectivity, and the whole structure also has the mean of banishment.
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