What Security Questions Do Developers Ask? A Large-Scale Study of Stack Overflow Posts

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:11-Jun
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Security has always been a popular and critical topic. With the rapid development of information technology, it is always attracting people’s attention. However, since security has a long history, it covers a wide range of topics which change a lot, from classic cryptography to recently popular mobile security. There is a need to investigate security-related topics and trends, which can be a guide for security researchers, security educators and security practitioners. To address the above-mentioned need, in this paper, we conduct a large-scale study on security-related questions on Stack Overflow. Stack Overflow is a popular on-line question and answer site for software developers to communicate, collaborate, and share information with one another. There are many different topics among the numerous questions posted on Stack Overflow and security-related questions occupy a large proportion and have an important and significant position. We first use two heuristics to extract from the dataset the questions that are related to security based on the tags of the posts. And then we use an advanced topic model, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) tuned using Genetic Algorithm (GA), to cluster different security-related questions based on their texts. After obtaining the different topics of security-related questions, we use their metadata to make various analyses. We summarize all the topics into five main categories, and investigate the popularity and di?culty of different topics as well. Based on the results of our study, we conclude several implications for researchers, educators and practitioners.
男 ,30岁。咳嗽、咯血痰伴胸痛 10余天 ,于 1996 -0 6 -17入院。 13d前因咳嗽、痰带血丝伴左胸刺痛而求医。经治疗无效 ,近日症状加重。既往身体健康 ,近一年有吸毒史 ,戒毒后
女 ,5 7岁 ,咳喘 1年加剧 1月入院 ,刺激性呛咳伴粘脓痰 ,无咳血、寒热、声嘶。右下肺结核 4年。体检 :体温 37.3℃ ,发育营养中等 ,浅表淋巴结不大 ,右下肺可闻少许湿罗音。
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