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六年制重点中学高中数学课本《立体几何》第一章“直线和平面”是全书的理论基础。教好这一章,便能为以后的章节铺平道路。本文拟谈这部分教材的点滴教学心得,以就教于同行。一、掌握学生心理特点,合理安排教材内容不少学生开始学习立体几何这门新的学科,往往由于好奇而多少有一定的求知欲,可是事后由于学习过程中遇到种种困难没有得到及时解决,因而产生畏难情绪,对学习丧失兴趣。产生这种现象的原因主要有如下几方面: (1)立几起始章概念较密集,定义、定理较多,学生理不出头绪; (2)学生已学过的平几知识对要学习的立几知识产生定势影响; (3)教师授课时难点过于集中,不易被学生接受消化。要消除学生学习立几的畏难情绪,必须根除产生畏 The first chapter of “Three-Dimensional Geometry” in the six-year key middle school high school mathematics textbook “Line and Plane” is the theoretical basis of the book. By teaching this chapter, you can pave the way for the next chapter. This article intends to talk about the teaching experience of this part of the teaching materials so as to teach them in the same industry. I. Mastering the psychological characteristics of students and rationally arranging teaching materials Many students begin to learn solid geometry. This new discipline often has curiosity and a certain amount of curiosity. However, due to various difficulties encountered in the learning process, it has not been solved in time. As a result, there is a fear of emotion and loss of interest in learning. The main reasons for this phenomenon are as follows: (1) The concept of several initial chapters is more intensive, with more definitions and theorems, and students are not able to explain their ideas; (2) The students have learned a lot of knowledge to learn. The establishment of a few knowledge has a fixed influence; (3) The teacher’s teaching is difficult to focus on and is not easily digested by students. In order to eliminate the fear of students’ learning, it is necessary to eradicate fears.
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