就贡某一案的具体情况,经合议庭人员的调查、核实,本合议庭认为贡某的行为构成贪污罪。 贪污罪是指国家工作人员、集体经济组织的工作人员或者其他经手、管理公共财物的人员,利用职务上的便利,侵吞、盗窃、骗取或者以其他手段非法占有公共财物的行为。贡某正是以非法占有为目的,骗取公共财物任意挥霍和私分。因此,贡某的行为构成了贪污罪。
On the specific circumstances of Gong Mou case, the investigation and verification by the collegial panel staff verified that the collegial bench held Gong as constituting a crime of corruption. Corruption refers to the acts of embezzling, stealing, fraudulently obtaining or otherwise illegally possessing public property by state staff, workers in collective economic organizations or other persons handling or managing public goods, using their conveniences. Gong Mou is precisely for the purpose of illegal possession, cheating public property arbitrary squandering and private sub. Therefore, Gongmou behavior constitutes a crime of corruption.