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9月26日,由中电联、青海省政府、中电投集团公司联合举办的“中国水电装机容量突破1亿千瓦暨黄河公伯峡水电站首台机组投产发电庆祝大会”在青海公伯峡水电站举行。借这次隆重的庆典,中电联主持召开了“中国水电发展座谈会”。出席座谈会的有水利部部长汪恕诚、国家电监会副主席史玉波、中国长江三峡工程开发总公司原总经理陆佑楣、国家开发银行原行长姚振炎、中国工程院原副院长潘家铮、中国水电工程顾问集团公司总经理李菊根等领导和专家。中国电力企业联合会常务副理事长刘宏主持了座谈会。水电装机突破1亿千瓦,是我国电力发展史上一座重要的里程碑。几十年来,水电在我国经济建设中发挥了极为重要的作用。水电人犹如金庸笔下的“大侠”,于荒山野岭之中,历十年之功打磨一剑,剑成之日,便可施泽于天下。面对我国经济发展的新形势,水电应将空前的发展机遇把握在手,同时也必须对新的制约和挑战洞察于胸。怎样更快、更好地铸造出无数把更锋利的水电之“剑”,是对水电人,更是对电力发展的一个重大考验。与会的领导和专家大多曾长期工作于水电建设第一线,各位领导与专家在座谈会上的发言,畅论水电铸“剑”之道,或高屋建瓴,或振聋发聩,时时令人有酣畅淋漓之感。故将篇名定为:论“剑”公伯峡。 On September 26, “China’s hydropower installed capacity exceeded 100 million kilowatts and the first generating unit to celebrate the conglomeration of the Yellow River Gongboxia Hydropower Station” was held jointly by CEC, Qinghai Provincial Government and CPI Group at the Gongboxia Hydropower Station in Qinghai Province . By this grand celebration, CEC presided over the “China Hydropower Development Symposium.” Wang Shucheng, Minister of Water Resources, Shi Yubo, Vice Chairman of SERC, Lu Youmei, former general manager of China Three Gorges Project Development Corporation, Yao Zhenyan, former governor of China Development Bank, Pan Jiazheng, former vice president of China Academy of Engineering, and China Hydropower Engineering Consultant Li Jugen, general manager of the group and other leaders and experts. Liu Hong, executive vice chairman of China Electricity Council chaired the forum. Hydropower installed capacity exceeded 100 million kilowatts, is an important milestone in the history of China’s power development. For decades, hydropower has played an extremely important role in the economic construction of our country. Hydro-electricians like Jin Yong’s “Heroes” in the barren hills, the power of ten years polished sword, sword into the day, you can cast Ze in the world. Faced with the new situation of China’s economic development, hydropower should grasp the unprecedented opportunities for development in the hand and at the same time must also gain insight into the new constraints and challenges. How to cast countless “sharps” of sharper hydropower faster and better is a major test for hydropower personnel and power development. Most of the leaders and experts attending the meeting have long been working on the front line of hydropower construction. Leaders and experts made speeches at the forum to discuss the “sword” plan of hydropower plants or to build high-rise houses or enliven them from time to time. sense. Therefore, the article entitled as: on “sword” Gongboxia.
青山区是一个新型的工业城区,是武汉市制造业基地建设的“五大板块”之一。长期以来特别是“十五”以来,区委、区政府坚持“工业强区”的发展思路不动摇, Castle Peak Distr
座落在世界奶牛生产阳光地带松嫩平原的黑龙江省和平牧场乳品厂,是一家拥有优质奶牛8000余頭、日处理鲜奶60吨的省级先进企业,也是率先获得全国婴幼儿配方乳粉生产许可证和食品生产许可证(QS)的企业。  工厂自1981年创建以来,优越的地理位置、完善的质量保证体系以及科学的经营管理使品牌声誉日益提高。飞鸽牌婴幼儿配方奶粉、学生系列奶粉、全脂速溶系列奶粉、中老年系列奶粉和孕妇系列奶粉等产品先后荣获省优、
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