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大庆是我国工业战线上的一面红旗.大庆党委根据国务院关于开展清产核资的指示,成立了由陈烈民书记任组长的十一人清产核资领导小组,从一九七八年十一月下旬开始,经过四个多月,本着边清查、边处理、边核资、边建制的原则,在各级领导、广大专业人员和群众的努力下,通过清产核资,搞清了家底,核定了资金,初步挖掘了潜力,加强了基础工作,改进了经济核算体制,为进一步加强企业管理提供了良好的条件.现把他们的做法简介如下: 一、加强领导,制订方案,深入发动,抓好典型. 第一、加强组织领导.在大庆党委直接领导下,成立了清产核资领导小组,确定由党委 Daqing is a red flag on the industrial front of our country.Dao Qing Party Committee established the leading group of 11 people in charge of liquidation and capital verification under the direction of the State Council on conducting the examination and verification of assets and assets from November, At the beginning, after more than four months, with the efforts of leaders at all levels, professionals and the masses, through the verification of assets and assets, we have cleared the family background and approved the principle of " The funds have initially tapped the potentials, strengthened the basic work, improved the economic accounting system, and provided good conditions for further strengthening the management of enterprises. The briefing on their practices is as follows: First, strengthen leadership, formulate plans, launch in depth and do a good job Typical.First, strengthen the organization and leadership.In the Daqing party committee under the direct leadership, set up a leading group to clear production and capital verification, determined by the party committee
目的 :观察 CHOP方案对儿童不同细胞来源中高度非何杰金恶性淋巴瘤(NHL)的疗效及不良反应。方法 :CHOP方案 (CTX75 0 mg/m2 静注 d1 ,VCR1 .4m g/m2 静注d1 、8,ADM40 m g/m2
Polynaphthoxazines-clay nanocomposites were prepared from 1, 5-dihydroxynaphthalene, aniline, formaldehyde and different proportion montmorillonite(MMT) by in-s
The allyl radical was produced in molecular beam by pyrolysis of allyl iodide. The vi-bronic spectra from ground state to six new electronic states of the allyl