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本刊在1992年第6期的“专家学者访谈录”栏目中曾以《做人·治学》为题发表过对遗传学家谈家桢教授的访谈录。这之后的几年间!我们又不断听到谈老在各种会议上就教育问题发表的中肯意见,尤其是1995年10月,谈老转给江泽民总书记和李岚清副总理的一份《关于教育改革的建言提纲》,表达了一位年逾八旬的老知识分子对祖国科技和教育事业始终不渝的关切之情。为此,我们萌生了再访谈老的念头,特请民盟上海市委宣传部的张光武同志去看望他,写了下面这篇文章。 The journal published an interview with Professor Tuan Jiazhen, a geneticist, in the section entitled “Interview with Experts and Scholars” in the 6th issue of 1992. In the ensuing years, we continue to hear pertinent views expressed by Laotian on education issues in various meetings. In particular, in October 1995, we talked about the transfer of General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Vice Premier Li Lanqing’s “Opinion on Education Outline of the Agenda for Reform, ”expresses the constant concern of an old intellectual who was over 80 years old for the cause of science, technology and education in the motherland. To this end, we initiated the idea of ​​revisiting the old one. In particular, Comrade Zhang Guangwu from the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Democratic League went to visit him and wrote the following article.
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2010年1月23日,二十世纪浪漫主义钢琴表演艺术的最后一位遗老厄尔·怀尔德(Earl Wild)因突发充血性心力衰竭,去世于美国加利福尼亚州棕榈泉(Palm Springs)小镇的家中,享年九
近日,在阿联酋首都迪拜举行的第十届Lumen Global年会上,北京大学第一医院心内科主任、中华医学会心血管病学分会候任主任委员、中国医师协会心血管内科医师分会会长、《中国
人与鬼,女人与武生,艺术与生活,辉煌与艰辛——在光环笼罩下的裴艳玲,其背后该有多少曲折动人的故事啊!但可惜的是,我未能去细细了解这些故事,可留下一些空白不是更好吗? Pe
本文针对体操普修课时间少、内容多的情况,采用图表形式进行教学,对几类典型动作进行力学分析,使学生较易接受。 This article aims at the situation that there is less t