Effect of Rotation Rate on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Spot Welded DP7

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuthusboy
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DP780 steel sheets consisting of ferrite and martensite were successfully friction stir spot welded(FSSW)at the rotation rates of 500 to 1500 r/min using a W-Re alloy tool.The effect of rotation rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of the FSSW DP780 was investigated.The peak temperatures in the welds at various rotation rates were identified to be above A3temperature.FSSW caused the dynamic recrystallization in the stir zone(SZ),thereby producing the fine equiaxed grain structures.At the higher rotation rates of≥1000 r/min,a full martensitic structure was observed throughout the SZs,whereas at the lower rotation rate of 500 r/min,the SZ consisted of a fine dual phase structure of ferrite and martensite due to the action of deformation induced ferrite transformation.The maximum average failure load as high as 18.2 k N was obtained at the rotation rate of 1000 r/min and the fracture occurred at the thinned upper sheet. DP780 steel sheets consisting of ferrite and martensite were successfully friction stir spot welded (FSSW) at the rotation rates of 500 to 1500 r / min using a W-Re alloy tool. The effect of rotation rate on microstructure and mechanical properties of the FSSW DP780 was investigated. peak temperatures in the welds at various rotation rates were identified to be above A3temperature. FSSW caused the dynamic recrystallization in the stir zone (SZ), thereby producing the fine equiaxed grain structures. At the higher rotation rates of ≧ 1000 r / min, a full martensitic structure was observed throughout the SZs, while at the lower rotation rate of 500 r / min, the SZ consisted of a fine dual phase structure of ferrite and martensite due to the action of deformation induced ferrite transformation. maximum average failure load as high as 18.2 kN was obtained at the rotation rate of 1000 r / min and the trunk occurred at the thinned upper sheet.
Through advances in technology,the genetic basis of cancer has been investigated at the genomic level,and many fundamental questions have begun to be addressed.
隧道施工快速测量方法是运用全站仪结合CASIO FX-5800计算器程序进行计算,实现了施工现场测量内外业相结合,此程序可边测边出结果。
摘要:在建筑市场法制环境日趋规范和当事人自治原则的新形势下,如何加强企业施工合同管理,防范和规避市场中的合同风险,已成为每个施工企业的当务之急。本文分析总结了当前施工企业合同风险主要表现,并提出了相应的防范与控制措施。  关键词:施工企业 合同 风险 防范 控制  中图分类号:C29文献标识码: A  前言   建设工程施工合同是建设单位与施工企业通过设定的条款,明确双方的权利和义务关系的特殊的承