
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:az4620
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初中物理探究教学法的设计要结合物理学科特点和学生认知能力,在教学中运用探究教学法要注意以下几点:一、加强教师的指导,充分调动学生探究的积极性学生对问题的关注和认识有一个随意到专注、由表面到深层、由静止到发展、由感性到理性的过程,这一过程的实现的基础首先在于学生的兴趣和积极性。兴趣和积极性是学生愿意投入研究的内在动力,教师对这种动力的加强应予以引起足够的重视。物理新课程标准和新教材中设计了许多研究性和探究性课题,教师可以先引导学生对这些与教学内容主体联系紧密、难度较低的问题进行解答和探讨,然后提升课题的难度,扩大课题研究的范围,培养学生把解决问题攻克问题当成一种乐趣。 The design of physics inquiry teaching method of junior middle school should combine the characteristics of physics and students’ cognition ability, and pay attention to the following points when using inquiry teaching method in teaching: First, to strengthen teachers’ guidance and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of students to explore students’ concern and recognition of the problem There is a random and focused, from surface to deep, from the static to the development, from the emotional to rational process, the realization of this process is based on the students’ interest and enthusiasm. Interest and enthusiasm are the intrinsic motivation for students to invest in research. Teachers should pay enough attention to this motivation. Physics new curriculum standards and new textbooks designed a number of research and inquiry, teachers can guide students to these subjects and the main content of the teaching difficult to answer and discuss the problem, and then enhance the difficulty of the project to expand the subject The scope of the study, training students to solve the problem of solving problems as a pleasure.
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