马淑洁副省长强调 要大力加强城乡规划管理和风景名胜区保护工作

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8月26日,省政府召开全省城乡规划和风景名胜区保护工作电视电话会议。马淑洁副省长在会上讲话强调,城乡规划和风景名胜区保护关系到国民经济和社会发展的全局,各地要以“三个代表”重要思想和江泽民总书记“5·31”讲话精神为指导,采取积极有效措施,大力加强城乡规划管理和风景名胜区保护工作。当前,要重点抓好以下几项工作:首先,要抓紧各项规划的编制。各地、市要抓紧在今明两年全面完成第三轮城市总体规划和第二轮市、县域城镇体系规划及村镇建设规划的编制,凡是没有完成城市规划编制的市、县要在规定期限内保质保量完成。自2003年7月1日起,凡未按要求编制和调整近期建设规划的,停止新申请的建设项目 On August 26, the provincial government held a video teleconference on the protection of urban and rural planning and scenic spots in the province. Deputy Governor Ma Shujie emphasized at the meeting that the protection of urban and rural planning and scenic spots has a bearing on the overall situation of the national economy and social development. All localities must speak with the “three represents” important thinking and General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s “5.31” speech. The spirit as a guide, take active and effective measures, and vigorously strengthen the urban and rural planning and management and protection of scenic spots. At present, we must focus on the following tasks: First, we must step up the preparation of various plans. All localities and cities should pay close attention to the completion of the third round of city overall planning and the second round of city and county township system planning and village and township construction planning in the current year and the next two years. Those cities and counties that have not completed the preparation of the urban planning must guarantee within the prescribed time limit. The warranty is completed. With effect from July 1, 2003, construction projects that stopped the new application if the recent construction plan was not prepared and adjusted as required
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