Robust mesh deformation with salient features preservation

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nfx0123
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Triangular meshes often contain a few salient features. Traditional deformation algorithms mainly preserve the local details and volume, thus producing unnatural results. This paper proposes a robust and effective algorithm to prevent the distortion of salient features. Firstly, the salient features can be automatically extracted through saliency-based clustering and aggregation. A nonlinear energy function is then minimized to make the salient features behave rigidly to retain the shape. Finally, for the robustness of the minimization, we generate a coarse solid subspace around the input mesh, and carry out the energy minimization in this subspace.Experiments show that our algorithm can preserve the salient features and obtain visual-pleasing results. This paper proposes a robust and effective algorithm to prevent the distortion of salient features. Firstly, the salient features can be automatically extracted through saliency-based clustering and aggregation. A nonlinear energy function is then minimized to make the salient features behave rigidly to retain the shape. Finally, for the robustness of the minimization, we generate a coarse solid subspace around the input mesh, and carry out the energy minimization in this subspace.Experiments show that our algorithm can preserve the salient features and obtain visual-pleasing results.
八月 ,时序入秋 ,是一个从成熟中转向收获的时节 ,无论是国家、社会、经济、企业、甚至你我 ,都在努力耕耘后期待着丰收。这段日子以来 ,我们不断地听到来自各方面的利好 :—
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