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中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席江泽民在宁夏、甘肃考察工作时强调:时代在发展,形势在变化,我们必须紧跟世界发展进步的潮流,始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求、先进文化的前进方向和最广大人民群众的根本利益,坚决解决党内存在的突出问题,确保我们党能够始终保持自己的先进性和蓬勃生机,始终率领人民不断开拓建设有中国特色社会主义的新境界。江泽民指出:全党和全国人民都要从实现社会主义现代化的战略目标、维护国家统一和稳定、逐步达到社会主义共同富裕和实现中华民族伟大复兴的高度,深刻认识西部大开发确系百年大计、千秋功业,抓住机遇,团结奋斗,扎扎实实地把西部大开发这项世纪工程搞好。6月14日至19日,江泽民和随行的中共中央政治局候补委员、书记处书记、中央组织部部长曾庆红,在宁夏自治区党委书记毛如柏、自治区政府主席马启智,甘肃省委书记孙英、省长宋照肃的陪同下,先后在宁夏、甘肃考察,重点就加强新时期农村党的建设和西部大开发进行考察。考察途中,江泽民听取了两地党委、政府的工作汇 During their inspection work in Ningxia and Gansu, Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed: As the times are developing and the situation is changing, we must keep up with the trend of development and progress of the world and always represent the requirements for the development of China’s advanced productive forces and the advanced culture And the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. We must resolutely resolve the outstanding problems existing within the party and ensure that our party can always maintain its advanced nature and vigorous vitality. It has always led the people in constantly opening up a new realm of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Jiang Zemin pointed out: From the strategic goal of socialist modernization, safeguarding the unity and stability of the country, gradually achieving the common prosperity of the socialist people and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the entire party and the people throughout the country must profoundly understand that the development of the western region must be truly planned for a hundred years, Work hard, seize the opportunity and work hard together to do a good job in this century project of developing the western region in a down-to-earth manner. From June 14 to June 19, Jiang Zemin and his accompanying alternate members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Secretariat and minister of the Central Organization Department, Mao Rubai, party secretary of Ningxia Autonomous Region, Ma Qizhi, chairman of the autonomous region government, Sun Ying, governor of Gansu Provincial Party Committee, Accompanied by Song Zhaosu, he visited Ningxia and Gansu one after another, focusing on strengthening the party building in the rural areas and the development of the western region during the new period. During the inspection, Jiang Zemin listened to the work exchange between the party committees and governments in both places
【摘 要】目前我国大学英语教育中必修课的比例占到绝大部分,但是设置大学英语选修课的高校却是少之又少。而从诸多方面考虑,为教育长远计,大学英语选修课程的设置也是很有必要的。英语教育工作者应该在课堂上兼顾学生的英语的输入和输出,使英语选修课程能够和大学英语必修,乃至学生将来步入社会以后所进行的自身英语修为起到相辅相成的作用。  【关键词】大学英语;选修课;必要性  当今世界正处在全球化和信息化的革新时