转变发展方式 推动科学发展——2010年经济形势与电力发展分析预测会综述

来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenfei87827
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3月27日~28日,以“凝聚行业力量,转变发展方式,推动电力工业科学发展、创新发展、和谐发展”为主题的2010年经济形势与电力发展分析预测会在北京召开。本次会议是在国际金融危机影响尚未全消除,我国需要进一步加快经济发展方式转变,适应全球需求结构重大变化,增强经济抵御国际市场风险能力的背景下,电力行业召开的一次重要会议。会议主办方中国电力企业联合会邀请国家发改委、国资委、电监会以及财政部、国家统计局等有关部委、研究机构的领导、专家,从国内外经济形势、全球气候资源情况、国家宏观经济和电力工业结构调整趋势等不同层面,对中国电力行业在今年乃至今后更长期的发展进行了全面系统科学的分析和阐述,这对于电力行业企业了解经济形势,加快电力结构调整,转变发展方式具有积极的促进作用。 From March 27 to March 28, the 2010 economic situation and power development analysis and forecast will be held in Beijing on the theme of “unifying the industry forces, transforming the mode of development, and promoting the scientific development, innovation and development of the power industry and harmonious development”. This meeting is an important meeting held by the power industry under the background that the impact of the international financial crisis has not yet been fully eliminated. Our country needs to further accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development, adapt to the major changes in the global demand structure and enhance the economy’s ability to withstand risks in the international market. Conference organizers China Electricity Council invited the National Development and Reform Commission, the SASAC, the SERC and the Ministry of Finance, National Bureau of Statistics and other relevant ministries, research institutions, leaders, experts, from domestic and international economic situation, the global climate resources, the national macroeconomic And power industry restructuring trend at different levels, the power industry in China this year and even more long-term development of a comprehensive and systematic analysis and elaboration, which for the power industry enterprises to understand the economic situation, speed up the power structure adjustment, change the mode of development with Positive role in promoting.
人想做什么事——大至全球战争,小至日常饮食,都能说个理由,尽管那理由未必成 What people want to do - from a global war to a small daily diet can all be justified,