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我在别一场合,曾经慨叹进入“信息高速公路”时代的今天,红学信息传递速度之慢(见《明清小说研究》1994年第3期),顷读郭树文先生《<脂本辨证>质疑——与欧阳健先生商榷》(以下简称《质疑》),益增新的感慨。《脂本辨证》是我关于红学辨伪系列论文的第一篇,1991年8月于贵阳纪念程甲本刊行二百周年学术讨论会上宣读,刊载于《贵州大学学报》1992年1期;《质疑》撰成于1993年,发表于《红楼梦学刊》1995年第4期:为一个问题进行商榷问难,竟要耗去五个年头!如今我这篇和郭先生商讨的文章,还不知能不能获得发表的机会,发表以后又不知何时可得郭先生的教正,不禁令人喟叹不已。郭文撰成以来,红学研究的形势发生了很大的变化,我的专著《红楼新辨》也已出版了一年多,《质疑》中所涉及的问题,有的已无答复的必要,有的(如程甲本和程乙本的关系问题)拟另行撰文论述,但它所提出的《红楼梦》版本研究的“思路”问题,至今仍有重要的意义。我非“红学界”中人,一时记不起和郭树文先生有幸识面的情形,但他文章中所体现的切磋精神,却使我非常感动。我真诚的欢迎郭树文先生的质疑,并愿意就红学辨伪的思路问题同他进行平等而友善的讨论。 On other occasions, when I once lamented into the “information superhighway” era, the speed of red-school information transmission is slow (see “Novels of Ming and Qing Dynasties No. 3, 1994”), and while reading Mr. Guo Shuwen’s question - Discussion with Mr. Ouyang Jian “(hereinafter referred to as” challenge “), Yi Zengxin’s feelings. ”Lipi dialect“ is my first series of papers on the red school pseudo-collusion, in August 1991 in Guiyang commemorate the 200th anniversary of this issue published in the academic symposium, published in ”Journal of Guizhou University“ 1992 1; ”question “Written in 1993, published in” A Dream of Red Mansions “1995 the fourth period: a question to ask questions, actually went to consume five years! Now I discuss this article with Mr. Guo, I do not know Can not get the opportunity to publish, published after I do not know when Mr. Kwok can correct, can not help but sigh endless. Since the publication of Guo Wen, great changes have taken place in the research on the study of the Red Cloisters. My monograph New Edition of the Red Chamber has also been published for more than a year. The problems involved in the ”questioning“, some of which have not been answered, Some (such as the relation between Cheng K’ai-Ben and Cheng-Bei Ben) are intended to be discussed separately. However, the ”thinking“ issue of the version study of A Dream of Red Mansions which it proposes still has important significance. I am not a person in the ”red circle of scholarship" who can not remember the privilege of being acquainted with Mr. Kuok Shu-wen for a while. However, I am greatly touched by the spirit of discussion demonstrated in his article. I sincerely welcome Mr. Guo Shuwen’s question and are willing to discuss him equally and friendlyly with him on the issue of rediscovery.
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