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2015年一季度中国国内生产总值(GDP)增长7%,增速较2014年第四季度降低0.3个百分点,继续呈现下行态势。与此同时也要注意到,筑底企稳的迹象比较明显。对应中高速增长,消费的托底作用比较明显一季度社会消费品零售总额按照可比价格同比增长10.8%,与上年同期水平基本持平。如果剔除因城镇化瓶颈对住行消费的抑制作用(汽车及其相关产品 In the first quarter of 2015, China’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 7%, a deceleration of 0.3 percentage points from the fourth quarter of 2014, continuing its downward trend. At the same time, we must also note that there are obvious signs of stabilization at the bottom of the building. Corresponding to medium and high-speed growth, the consumer’s bottom line plays an obvious role. In the first quarter, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 10.8% YoY in comparable prices, basically at the same level as that of the same period of last year. If we eliminate the inhibitory effect on household consumption due to the bottleneck of urbanization (cars and related products
1病例报告患者男,68岁,因无痛性、间歇性肉眼全程血尿1 d就诊。腹部彩色超声检查示:左肾体积稍大,肾窦内可探及39 mm×19 mm×15 mm“蚯蚓状”极低回声肿块(见封4图1),界限欠
通过对我国古代包装史变迁的简单梳理以及建国后包装形态的发展过程中的得失的研究,来探讨当代包装设计形态的现状和发展方向。 Through the analysis of the history of th
Having answered the question why the empirical frequency curve of annual extreme wind speeds at Tanggu, Tianjin of China does not fit the Pearson-Ⅲ type, the
Vacuum preloading has been widely used in harbour engineering to accelerate the consolidation of soft clay. The mechanism of the method is dicussed in this pap
摘 要:采用文献资料法、访谈法等研究方法,对我国民族高校体育学科发展现状进行调查分析。结果表明,随着本科专业设置以及硕士点培养平台的不断完善,民族院校体育学科建设整体呈现出快速发展态势;同时,存在学科建设重视程度不够、研究团队尚未形成、教学科研未能有效融合、学科组织文化落后等问题。建议:加快学科队伍建设,努力构建学科平台,有效整合教学科研,积极培育学科组织文化。  关键词:民族高校;体育学科;组织
【摘 要】本文就梯形螺纹车削过程中车刀的刃磨、工件的装夹、左右车削梯形螺纹的方法、精加工余量分析等方面介绍一种高效率车削梯形螺纹的方法。  【关键词】梯形螺纹 车削方法 技能训练  引言  2013年甘肃省车工技师鉴定操作试题有两处“Tr48×12(P6)”梯形螺纹加工案例。依据国家标准指导,本案例中螺纹为牙型为等腰梯形、牙型角为30°、螺距为6mm的双线右旋梯形螺纹。  梯形螺纹一般用以传递准确
- the Mawei Harbor is located at the Minjiang tstuary. Owing to the severe silt deposition, the water depth decreased from 8.2 to 1.5 m in the past few years.