
来源 :数值计算与计算机应用 | 被引量 : 2次 | 上传用户:tb881011
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In this paper, a new method is presented for fairing B-spline curves with fixed area constraints. Authors use Lagranges method of multipliers solved the variational problem with constraints.
In this paper a new algorithm of B-spline curves with given tangnt polygons is discribed. In the algorithm the all de Boor points of the B-spline curves can be cal culated simply by the vertices of th
Levenb erg-M arquardt method was first suggested by Levenberg and Marquardt in the context of nonlinear least sqares. This paper will develop a Levenberg-Marquardt method for semidefinite programming,
In this paper, the serial algorithm analysis and parallel implementation of generalized eigenproblem of synuntric matrices are considered. meanwhile, the complexity of algorithm is analyzed. The compu
In this paper an interval verification algorithm for the solutions of nonlinear systems is presented. The algorithm combines the high convergent speed of the floating-point iterative methods and the r
In this paper, we construct a hybrid evolutionary strategies (HES) for constrained optimization problems. Evolutionary strategies (ES) and hybrid evolutionary strategies (HES) are comparied on two con
In using the methods given by [1] to compute the hypersingular integrals on interval,one should select the mesh carefully in such a way that singular point falls near the center of a subinterval. A nu
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In this paper, we present a simplified third-order weighted ENO finite volume method on unstructured triangular mesh. The third-order TVD Runge-Kutta time diswcretization is used. A weighted quadratic
Do-loop unrolling is an effective technique for improving performance of applicistion programs. This paper presents a method for unrolling nested Fortran DO-loops using the m4 macro language. m4 is a