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核桃大树嫁接改造有劈接、切接、插皮接、插皮舌接、方块芽接、贴芽接等多种方法,本文结合作者多年实践经验及省内生产实际情况,主要选用了操作简单、管理方便、生产上容易掌握、易于推广的前4种嫁接方法做出试验。通过5年在云南省内昆明市省林业科学院、怒江州贡山县、丽江市古城区、曲靖市陆良县、昭通市鲁甸县5个试验点进行试验比较,总结出:在云南省内大树嫁接改造,根据劈接、切接、插皮接、插皮舌接的不同嫁接要求、特点和成活率情况,劈接法嫁接成活率不高,可以不考虑选用。其余3种嫁接法各有优点,可以根据实际需要选用。 In this paper, combining many years of practical experience of the author with the actual production in the province, the main selection of the operation is simple, easy to use, Management convenience, easy to grasp the production, easy to promote the first four kinds of grafting methods to test. Through 5 years in Kunming City, Yunnan Province Academy of Forestry, Gongjiang County Nujiang, Lijiang City, ancient city, Qujing Luliang County, Ludian County Zhaotong County five test points were compared, concluded that: in Yunnan Province Tree grafting transformation, according to the splitting, cut access, cut the skin access, cut the tongue grafting requirements of different grafting, characteristics and survival rate, split access graft survival rate is not high, you can not consider the selection. The remaining three kinds of grafting have their own advantages, according to the actual needs of choice.
结直肠癌( colorectal cancer , CRC )如今是消化系统中最常见的恶性肿瘤之一.近年来的统计发现,其发病率在多种癌症中排名第四,且其患病率和死亡率也呈逐年上升的趋势,因此,
患者:男,44 岁,已婚,因“乏力伴全身散在出血点1 周,发热 3 天”于 2018 年 11 月 24日入院.既往体健.患者缘于2018 年11 月中旬无明显诱因出现头晕、乏力、全身酸痛,活动后