
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingwangcheng
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Objective: To assess the effect of parity on endovascular trophoblastic invasion in early pregnancy. Design: Observational study. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patient(s): Healthy women at 10-14 weeks of gestation. Intervention(s): Surgical termination of pregnancy for nonmedical reasons. Main Outcome Measure(s): Products of conception were blindly examined histologically with regard to the extent of decidual endovascular trophoblast invasion. Result(s): Samples were obtained from 20 nulliparous and 10 parous women. The presence of normal intradecidual endovascular trophoblast invasion was identified with a similar frequency in both groups (P=.28). However, the proportion of decidual vessels with endovascular trophoblast invasion was significantly higher in parous women (60% ) compared with nulliparous women (32% , P < .001). Conclusion(s): Endovascular trophoblast invasion in early pregnancy is more extensive in parous women who already had an uncomplicated pregnancy than in nulliparous women. Setting: Teaching hospital. Patient (s): Healthy women at 10-14 weeks of gestation. Intervention (s): Surgical termination of pregnancy For nonmedical reasons. Main Outcome Measure (s): Products of conception were blindly examined histologically with regard to the extent of decidual endovascular trophoblast invasion. Results (s): Samples were obtained from 20 nulliparous and 10 parous women. The presence of normal intradecidual However, the proportion of decidual vessels with endovascular trophoblast invasion was significantly higher in parous women (60%) compared with nulliparous women (32%, P < .001). Conclusion (s): Endovascular trophoblast invasion in early pregnancy is more extensive in parous women who already had an uncomplicated pregnancy than in nulliparous women.
莆田民间习俗丰富多彩,灯俗便是其中之一。 莆田灯俗,宋时已有。宋邑人词家刘克庄在他的词集里,曾多处提及“灯俗”一事。《生查子·元夕戏陈敬叟》句:“繁灯夺霁华,戏鼓侵明
目的探讨慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎合并甲状腺癌的诊断与治疗方法。方法总结 9例经病理诊断证实的慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎合并甲状腺癌的病例 ,分析诊断与治疗中的经验教训。结
Objective: Hysteroscopic endometrial resection is an innovative and conservative surgical technique considered, very often, as an alternative to hysterectomy. T
笔者曾在麦当劳学艺(北京的长安分店),我戏称它是一门博士后管理课程。1996年我趁作为美国富布莱特奖金资助的学者到国内研究之机,向麦当劳总部提出要考察其在中国的作业和规划发展,得到了它的支持。     选择麦当劳补课的六个原因     我之所以选择去麦当劳来补课,有几重原因。  首先,麦当劳是个公认的成功企业,它已经成为美国大众文化的一块招牌。1982年初我到美国时,麦当劳不过是诸多速食连锁企业中