丹东电焊机厂是生产节能电焊机的专业厂。该厂生产的 BX、ZX5两大系列电焊机均通过了省级鉴定,是省和国家重点推广使用的节能产品。BX 系列交流电焊机是该厂自行开发研制的专利产品(专利号为882104403),曾于1991年荣获全国专利新产品奖。该电焊机主要特点是:空载损耗小,效率高,噪音小,焊接电流可遥控,起弧快,年节电约5000kWh。
Dandong Welding Machine Factory is a professional manufacturer of energy-saving welding machines. The two series of BX and ZX5 electric welding machines produced by this factory have passed the provincial appraisal and are the provincial and national energy saving products that have been promoted and used by the government. BX series AC welding machine is a patented product developed by the company (Patent No. 882104403). It was awarded the National Patent New Product Award in 1991. The main features of the welding machine are: no-load loss, high efficiency, low noise, welding current can be remote control, arcing fast, saving about 5000kWh.