
来源 :内蒙古师大学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frankcomet
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清初流民潮有着深刻的社会根源 ,即地主阶级兼并土地、灾荒饥馑与兵燹。顺治朝禁止内地民人开垦蒙地是为了让流民尽快回到自己的土地上 ,垦复荒地 ,使“差赋有出”,这与清廷在内地推行的“劝垦”政策并不矛盾。清廷封禁蒙地的前提和着眼点是巩固清朝的封建统治和“宁辑边疆”,从这一点出发 ,使得其对内地流民的政策呈现出禁止——有限制地开放——再禁止的特征 ,其中不乏民族隔离的意图 ,但更表明了其对蒙古各部的关注 The flow of immigrants in early Qing Dynasty had profound social roots, that is, landlords annexed the land, famine and famine. Junji banned the reclamation of Mongolian people in order to allow the displaced people to return to their own land as soon as possible and to reclaim the wasteland so as to make the difference between the two have a positive impact. This is not in contradiction with the “advised settlement policy” implemented by the Qing government in the Mainland. The preconditions and the focus of the Qing government’s banning of Mongolia were to consolidate the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty and to “edit the border areas”. From this point of view, the policy of banning the flow of the inland to the Mainland was characterized by a prohibition of “limited opening up” , Many of whom have no intention of national isolation, but have even shown their concern for the various ministries in Mongolia
数与式1.计算93x-712x+26·38x=.2.-13的倒数是.3.(-6)2=.4.2000用科学记数法表示为.5.a的3倍与b的一半的和用代数式表示为.6.分解因式a2-2ab+b2-c2=.7.配上适当的数,使等式x2-x+1=(x-)2+成立 Number and type 1. Calculate 93x-712x + 26 · 38x =. 2. The
通过复习有关文献,对我国司法精神病学鉴定,司法处理方面以及相关法律条文存在的问题作一概述。 Through reviewing the relevant literature, this paper gives an overvie
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