
来源 :大学(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangwz2005
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该课题采用问卷调查、文献资料收集等多种方法搜集相关资料,坚持理论分析和实证分析相结合,定性分析和定量分析相结合,对我国民族高等教育的发展历程以及发展特色进行了研究。研究认为,从历史研究角度看,西部地区民族高等教育无论过去,还是现在都是我国高等教育的重要组成部份,而西部地区民族院校是实施西部地区民族高等教育的主要机构,加强办好西部地区民族院校实质上就是办好西部地区民族高等教育。在新一轮西部大开发过程中,西部地区高等教育和民族院校应该将过去的“为民族地区和为少数民族服务”的办学宗旨,拓展为“为民族地区和为少数民族服务,为国家重大发展战略服务”的新的办学宗旨。关于西部地区民族高等教育的特色发展策略:一是要定位好民族院校的学科建设。学科定位是学科建设的基础,也是学科发展的前提,需要进一步加强学科建设。二是民族院校学科建设应当实施跨越式发展战略。三是要大力进行学科创新,努力创建民族工作学、宗教工作学等新的学科。该课题同时提出从培养人才、高等教育管理和加大资金与政策投入三方面来加强西部地区民族高等教育的发展。 The subject uses a variety of methods, such as questionnaire survey and literature collection, to collect relevant data, insist on the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, and study the development course and characteristics of our national higher education. According to the research, in the historical research perspective, the national higher education in the western region is an important part of China’s higher education, both in the past and the present. However, the national institutions of higher learning in the western region are the major institutions for implementing higher education for ethnic minorities in the western region, The western region nationality colleges and universities essentially do a good job in ethnic higher education in the western region. In the course of a new round of western development, the higher education and institutions of higher learning in the western region should extend their previous mission of “serving the ethnic areas and serving ethnic minorities” to serving the ethnic areas and ethnic minorities , For the country’s major development strategy to serve the "new purpose of running a school. The strategy of characteristic development of higher education for ethnic minorities in the western region: First, we must orientate the discipline construction of ethnic minority colleges and universities. Discipline positioning is the basis of discipline construction, but also the prerequisite for the development of disciplines, the need to further strengthen discipline construction. Second, discipline construction in ethnic colleges and universities should implement the leap-forward development strategy. Third, we must vigorously carry out disciplinary innovation and strive to create new disciplines such as ethnic work study and religious work study. At the same time, this subject proposes to strengthen the development of national higher education in the western region from three aspects: cultivating talents, managing higher education and increasing investment in funds and policies.
【正】 近来我们遇到婴儿胰岛细胞增生症(Nes-ioblastosis)1例,现报告如下。病历摘要患儿,男,4个月。因间歇性抽搐并反复发作4个月于1988年7月1日收住院。患儿系第三胎,足月
【正】 近四年来,我们应用阿拉明治疗阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)23例(11例次),取得70.7%转复的疗效。23例中男11例,女12例、年龄18~60岁,平均39岁。房室结内双通道2例,预激8