Characteristics,timing,and offsets of the middle-southern segment of the western boundary strike-sli

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abing206
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As the west boundary fault of the Songliao Basin and the eastern margin of the Da Hinggan Mountains, the Nenjiang-Balihan fault is located in the central part of Northeast China. It is traditionally considered to be a huge deep-seated NNE-striking fault, characterized by a normal fault or detachment fault displacement. The field investigation resulted in the finding of ductile shear zones in the Lingxia and Louzidian areas, the middle and southern sectors of the fault system. The authors conducted measurements of structural elements in the field, micro-structural studies, finite strain measurements, a study on preferred crystal orientations of quartz determined by Electron Back Scatter Diffraction and muscovite 40Ar/39Ar chronology of the deformed rocks in the ductile shear zone. The results show that the deformation features of the Lingxia and Louzidian ductile shear zones are similar, and that they represent one continuous fault, i.e., the middle-southern segment of the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault, which experienced a sinistral strike-slip ductile shearing in the Early Cretaceous (~130 Ma). By measuring the displacement of the Xar Moron River suture and Wolegen Group on both sides of the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault, it is found that the cumulative strike-slip offset of the fault is about 40-50 km. As the west boundary fault of the Songliao Basin and the eastern margin of the Da Hinggan Mountains, the Nenjiang-Balihan fault is located in the central part of Northeast China. It is traditionally considered to be a huge deep-seated NNE-striking fault, characterized by a normal fault or detachment fault displacement. The field investigation resulted in the finding of ductile shear zones in the Lingxia and Louzidian areas, the middle and southern sectors of the fault system. The authors survey of structural elements in the field, micro -structural studies, finite strain measurements, a study on preferred crystal orientations of quartz determined by Electron Back Scatter Diffraction and muscovite 40Ar / 39Ar chronology of the deformed rocks in the ductile shear zone. The results show that the deformation features of the Lingxia and Louzidian ductile shear zones are similar, and that they represent one continuous fault, ie, the middle-southern segment of the Nenjiang-Bali han Fault, which experienced a sinistral strike-slip ductile shearing in the Early Cretaceous (~ 130 Ma). By measuring the displacement of the Xar Moron River suture and Wolegen Group on both sides of the Nenjiang-Balihan Fault, it is found that the cumulative strike-slip offset of the fault is about 40-50 km.
建设规模:用气量为1.2×10~4 m~3/d。工程内容:3座中-低压调压站、中压管网(DN 200~400 mm)及庭院管网(DN 80 mm)。 Construction scale: gas consumption of 1.2 × 10 ~ 4
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