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1947年的一天夜里.内蒙古草原上布里雅特旗乱兵掳掠了当地的王爷和乡民.打算第二天杀死一批人。有一个25岁的青年.不想让自己郁闷而死.于是将心中所有喜爱的歌,一首一首地唱给自己听。不管是被掳掠的人.还是处于敌对状态的乱兵.在黑夜里第一次聆听这些发自生命深处的歌声.都流下泪来。乱兵们没有杀死这位青年.而是让他每天晚上唱歌给他们听。后来.解放军的骑兵追上来把乱兵歼灭了.这位青年被误认为投敌者.即将被处决.他又一次在生命的尽头唱起了歌.解放军骑兵被他的歌声感动得热泪盈眶。从此.他成为革命军队中的歌手.草原人民热爱的艺术家。这位以歌声解救了自己生命的青年就是哈扎布.内蒙古草原上闻名遐迩的长调歌王。1961年.叶圣陶先生在短诗《听蒙古族歌手哈扎布歌唱》中.描写了哈扎布的歌声:“他的歌韵味醇厚.像新茶.像陈酒。他的歌节奏自然.像松风,像溪流……” One night in 1947. On the Inner Mongolia steppe, the Brigadier General’s Brigadier General led and captured some local princes and commoners and planned to kill a group of people the next day. There is a 25-year-old youth who do not want to be depressed and die, and sing all their favorite songs to them one by one. Whether it be the captives, or the chaotic soldiers in hostility, tears flow in the dark for the first time in the depths of life. Instead of killing the youth, the mutineers let him sing every night to them. Later, the People’s Liberation Army cavalry was chased to annihilate the chaos.The young man was mistakenly identified as the enemy, about to be executed, and once again he sang a song at the end of his life.The PLA cavalry was touched by his singing voice. Since then, he became a singer in the revolutionary army. The young man who saved his life by singing was Hazab, a long-established tune song king on the prairie in Inner Mongolia. 1961. In his short poem, “Listen to the Mongolian singer Ha Zabu,” Mr. Ye Shengtao described the singing of Ha Zabu: “His song is full of mellow flavor, like a new tea, like a wine. Wind, like a stream ... ”
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