Flexural Mechanical Properties of Functional Gradient Hydroxyapatite Reinforced Polyetheretherketone

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjs001
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Functional gradient hydroxyapatite reinforced polyetheretherketone is one of the most promising orthopedic implant biomaterials. In this study,functional gradient hydroxyapatite reinforced polyetheretherketone biocomposites were prepared by layer-by-layer method with the incorporation of hot press molding technology. Studies on the flexural mechanical properties of the functional gradient biocomposites revealed that the flexural stress–stain behavior of the biocomposites presented linear elastic characteristics. The fracture mechanism of the functional gradient biocomposites was predominated by brittle rupture. Furthermore,both flexural strength and break strain of the functional gradient HA/PEEK biocomposites obviously decreased with the rise of the total HA content. The effect of hydroxyapatite concentration difference between adjacent layers(HCDBAL) on the flexural strength obviously relied on the level of HCDBAL and total HA content in the functional gradient HA/PEEK biocomposites. The higher the total HA content in the functional gradient biocomposites is,the less the influence degree of HCDBAL on the flexural strength is. Moreover,total HA content and HCDBAL played synergistic influence on the flexural modulus of the functional gradient HA/PEEK biocomposites. Functional gradient hydroxyapatite reinforced polyetheretherketone is one of the most promising orthopedic implant biomaterials. In this study, functional gradient hydroxyapatite reinforced polyetheretherketone biocomposites were prepared by layer-by-layer method with the incorporation of hot press molding technology. Studies on the flexural mechanical properties of the functional gradient biocomposites revealed that the flexural stress-stain behavior of the biocomposites presented linear elastic characteristics. The fracture mechanism of the functional gradient biocomposites was predominated by brittle rupture. Furthermore, both flexural strength and break strain of the functional gradient HA / PEEK biocomposites obviously decreased with the rise of the total HA content. The effect of hydroxyapatite concentration difference between adjacent layers (HCDBAL) on the flexural strength obviously relied on the level of HCDBAL and total HA content in the functional gradient HA / PEEK biocomposite s. The higher the total HA content and HCDBAL on the flexural strength is. Furthermore, the total HA content and HCDBAL played the synergistic influence on the flexural modulus of the functional gradient HA / PEEK biocomposites .