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福建省南靖第一糖厂1994年被列为第一批现代企业制度试点单位。在进行现代企业制度建设中,他们建立了企业内部平等竞争激励机制的合同上岗管理制度和实行岗位技能工资制为主要形式的内部分配制度,逐步做到把职工的劳动报酬与劳动技能、劳动责任、劳动强度和劳动条件挂钩,克服企业劳动力的不良流向和其他弊端,适当提高职工的工资收入水平,激励职工的智慧、技能和责任心,调动职工积极性和创造性,增强企业活力,提高企业的管理水平。 一、建立合同上岗管理制度 从94年7月份起,该厂在企业内部中实行激励和约束相结合的经营管理机制,车间各工种、后勤各科室都实行定岗定员的优化组合。签订岗位合同,逐步做到企业内部劳动关系契约化、干部工人平等化、管理指标具体化、考核奖罚明朗化的岗位定员、合同上岗管理机制,对部份被优化的富余人员将实行企业内部待岗制度。待岗人员将分别不同情况发给70—85%工资。 Nanjing No.1 Sugar Factory of Fujian Province was listed as the first pilot unit of modern enterprise system in 1994. In the modern enterprise system construction, they established a contract management system with an equal competitive incentive mechanism within the company and an internal distribution system with a job skills wage system as the main form, and gradually achieved the labor remuneration and labor skills and labor responsibilities of employees. , Linked to labor intensity and working conditions to overcome the undesirable flow of labor and other malpractices in the enterprise, appropriately raise the level of wages and salaries of employees, motivate employees’ wisdom, skills and sense of responsibility, mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of employees, enhance the vitality of enterprises, and improve the management of enterprises. Level. First, the establishment of contract management system for posts From July 94 onwards, the plant in the company’s internal implementation of incentives and constraints combined with the management mechanism, the workshop of various types of work, logistics and various departments of the implementation of a fixed staff of the optimal combination. Sign post contracts, and gradually achieve the contractualization of internal labor relations, the equalization of cadres’ workers, the specificization of management indicators, the determination of positions and positions for assessments, rewards and penalties, and the management mechanism for contract posts. Some of the surplus personnel that are optimized will be implemented within the company. Waiting system. Unemployed persons will be paid 70-85% of wages in different situations.
一 一不小心惹上嫌疑  从晌午开始一直飘着米糁子一样的小雪。刚入冬的头场雪,下得静,人就睡得死。这样的天,有些人就该蠢蠢欲动了。张胜利本来也睡得很死,因为白天和徐阔一块儿吃了一顿鸡。兴许是肉吃狠了的缘故吧,夜里肚子有点儿丝丝拉拉地闹,就硬挺着起来到屋外上厕所。这时,他听到了院墙那边传过来的声音。  张胜利一听声音马上就意识到老徐头家出了什么事。于是,张胜利随手抄起一把铁锹,扑到院墙边上,探过头去察
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石棚,  立尽了斜阳,  依旧矜持无语。  神秘的光晕,  变换了星霜,  依然闪烁时空。  吸引——  观摩仰拜的灵魂。  他们在残照中,  寻找石棚历史的足迹。  他们在沉重中,  凝思石棚成就的传奇。  他们在天地间,  感悟石棚屹立的浑厚。  他们在苍穹下,  安享石棚傲然的沉静。  势话,  阅尽沧桑的河流,  潺潺地诉说青铜时代,  石棚跋涉而来的故事。  沉稳苍莽的群山,  无悔地守
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1995年3月,泰国发电公司(EGAT)与老挝签署了一项将老挝的Nam Thuen Ⅱ水库(计划中)的电力输往泰国的协定。合同期25年,进口价格以94年价格为基础(4.55美分/度)。 In March