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2002年9月22日~10月18日,江苏省泗洪县成功地举办了“中国·泗洪第四届洪泽湖螃蟹节”。时间长达一个月,内容包括“中国螃蟹市场”开锣仪式、蟹王蟹后争霸赛、南京金陵蟹宴、餐饮食文化研讨会、泗洪大闸蟹南京专业市场开业、水乡特色文艺汇演、经贸洽谈会等一系列文化与经贸活动。盘点本次螃蟹节,泗洪人收获有很多。炒火了蟹市扮靓了县城引来了客商去年的泗洪,一半以上的水面实施了“养大蟹”工程。据水产部门调查统计,全县水产养殖总面积达45万亩,河蟹产量将突破1.6万吨,其中有四成螃蟹规格达到3两以上,继续保持全国河蟹养殖第一大县地位。螃蟹节期间,正是菊黄蟹肥、大量上市的旺季,能否畅销,是养殖户能否增产增收的关键。该县从彰显特色优势、吸引八方客商的愿望出发,大胆创意,连续举办了蟹市开锣仪式、蟹王蟹后评比大赛、南京金陵蟹宴、螃蟹博物馆开馆仪式等活动。外界的“眼球”被吸引过来了,螃蟹节期间,位于临淮镇的“中国螃蟹市场”持续旺销,9月份以来平均日销量达到10万公 September 22, 2002 ~ October 18, Sihong County, Jiangsu Province successfully held the “China Sihong Hongze Lake Crab Festival ”. As long as a month, the content includes “China Crab Market ” kick-off ceremony, Crab King Crossover Competition, Nanjing Jinling crab feast, food and beverage culture seminar, Sihong crabs Nanjing professional market opening, water features theatrical performances, trade Fair and a series of cultural and economic activities. Count the crab festival, Sihong people have a lot of harvest. Scented fire Crab City Dress up the county attracted businessmen last year, Sihong, more than half of the water has implemented a “raise crabs” project. According to the investigation and statistics of aquatic products department, the total area of ​​aquaculture in the county reaches 450,000 mu and the output of crabs will exceed 16,000 tons. Among them, 40% of the crabs reach 32 or more, and continue to maintain the status of the largest county in the country. During the crab festival, it is the yellow crab fat, a large number of listed peak season, whether the best-selling, is the key to farmers can increase production and income. Starting from the demonstration of its unique advantages and appealing to the wishes of all walks of life, the county boldly creatively held the opening ceremony of the crab city, the contest of crab-king crabs, the crab feast of Nanjing Jinling and the opening ceremony of the crab museum. The “eyeball” of the outside world was attracted. During the crab festival, the “Chinese Crab Market” in Linhuai City continued to sell well. The average daily sales volume since September reached 100,000
<正> 实行农村联产承包责任制以后,农村原有的医疗制度已经不适应了,而且新的医疗体制还没有建立起来,农民苦于看病难、吃药难、就医难,苦于因病返贫、因病致贫。建立一个符