Grain Refining Efficiency of SHS Al-Ti-B-C Master Alloy for Pure Aluminum and Its Effect on Mechanic

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjn511
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A new Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy was successfully prepared by self-propagating high-temperature(SHS)reaction from an Al-Ti-B_4C system with molten Al.Microstructure and phase characterization of the prepared Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy show that the nearly spherical TiC particles,hexagonal or rectangular TiB_2 particles,and blocklike TiAl_3 particles distribute uniformly in the aluminum matrix.Grain refining test on commercial pure aluminum indicates that Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy exhibits a better grain refining performance than Al-5Ti-lB master alloy.By addition of 0.2 wt%Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy,the average grain size of a-Al can be effectively refined to160 ± 5 μm from about 3000 μm,and the tensile strength and elongation are increased by about 20%and 14.1%due to the grain refinement. A new Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy was successfully prepared by self-propagating high-temperature (SHS) reaction from an Al-Ti-B_4C system with molten Al.Mrostructure and phase characterization of the prepared Al-5Ti- 0.75B-0.2C master alloy show that the nearly spherical TiC particles, hexagonal or rectangular TiB_2 particles, and blocklike TiAl_3 particles distribute uniformly in the aluminum matrix. Graph refining test on commercial pure aluminum indicates that Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C Master alloy exhibits a better grain refining performance than Al-5Ti-1B master alloy. By addition of 0.2 wt% Al-5Ti-0.75B-0.2C master alloy, the average grain size of a-Al can be refined refined to 160 ± 5 μm from about 3000 μm, and the tensile strength and elongation are increased by about 20% and 14.1% due to the grain refinement.
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