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我不是医学专家,科学育儿知识也很少。但是,我的孩子患佝偻病后,在治疗中我曾两次擅作主张引起失误。这使我深深感到,作为孩子的家长,尽可能多地懂得一些科学育儿知识,对保证孩子健康发育十分必要。我的孩子今年已经5岁了,1岁前主要是靠母乳和牛奶喂养。快满周岁时,我发现他比平时爱哭闹,烦躁不安,睡眠不好,爱出汗,乳牙也仅长出三四颗。医生说这可能是佝偻病的早期症状,要取血测定一下血中碱性磷酸酶和血钙、血磷的含量。我怕孩子吃苦,没有去做化验。听人说佝偻病是缺钙引起的,给孩子吃点钙片就行了。于是我买了不少钙片让孩子吃,结果根本没有效果,病情继续发展,孩子快1岁半了,脑顶上的囱门还未闭合。后来又去医院看病才知道,孩子的佝偻病已进入活动期。我疑惑不解地问医生,我给孩子吃了那么多钙片,为什么没有效果?医生回答 I am not a medical expert, scientific childcare knowledge is also very small. However, after my child suffered from rickets, I made mistakes twice during the treatment. This made me deeply feel that as a child’s parents, as much as possible to understand some scientific childcare knowledge, to ensure the healthy development of children is necessary. My child is five years old this year, and was fed on breast milk and milk mainly by the age of one. When I was nearly full years of age, I found he was in love with crying, irritability, poor sleep, love sweating, and only three or four young teeth. The doctor said this may be the early symptoms of rickets, to take blood to determine the blood alkaline phosphatase and blood calcium, phosphorus content. I am afraid of children suffer, did not do the test. Listen to people saying that rickets is caused by calcium deficiency, give children eat calcium on the line. So I bought a lot of calcium for children to eat, the results simply no effect, the condition continues to develop, the children almost 1 year and a half, the roof of the door has not yet closed. Later went to the hospital to see the doctor to know that the child’s rickets has entered the period of activity. I puzzled to ask the doctor, I eat so much calcium to children, why there is no effect?
AIM To estimate the prevalence of diabetes in the rural population of Tessekere(Senegal) and investigate associated risk factors. METHODS Data from a 2015 surve
目的:采用高效液相色谱法建立桑椹药材的HPLC指纹图谱,为其品质控制提供可靠依据。方法:采用HPLC-UV分析桑椹的指纹图谱。色谱柱:Agilent XDB C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流