
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GWstars
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医疗保障制度改革是我国卫生事业改革的一个重要突破口。职工医疗制度是我国城市健康保障制度的主体。自50年代初期在全国推行以来,它对保障职工的身体健康、促进社会经济发展,以及维护社会稳定等方面曾发挥过不可低估的作用。然而,在实践中也存在诸多问题,尤其是医疗费用高速增涨和卫生资源严重浪费现象突出。近年来,从我国政府十分重视的职工医疗制度改革的实践经验来看,无论是“两江”试点的个人帐户和社会统筹相结合的医疗保险,还是上海市的“总量控制、结构调整”,对供方制约仍没有良策。医院是我国卫生 The reform of the medical security system is an important breakthrough in China’s health care reform. The employee medical system is the main body of China’s urban health protection system. Since its implementation in the country in the early 1950s, it has played an important role in safeguarding the physical health of employees, promoting social and economic development, and maintaining social stability. However, there are also many problems in practice, especially the rapid increase in medical expenses and the serious waste of health resources. In recent years, based on the practical experience of the reform of the staff medical system that the Chinese government attaches great importance to, whether it is the individual accounts of the “Two Rivers” pilot and the medical insurance combined with the social overall planning, or the “total amount control and structural adjustment” of Shanghai, There is still no good policy on supply-side constraints. Hospital is our country’s health
奔忙是这个时代很多人不得不选择的生活方式。如果这几代人的奔忙,能够在50年后留给子孙后代一个富裕发达的国家,那么,今天所付出的一切也许都是值得的。 Bustling is the w
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尽管他很有钱,然而活得并不轻松。对于他来说,明天常常是一个未知数。 Although he is rich, living is not easy. For him, tomorrow is often an unknown.
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