
来源 :吉林教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NoskyFox
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很多学校和教师都以为,新课程是为中国未来的教育描绘的一幅美丽蓝图,确实很好。在进行新课程培训时,特别是拿到实验教材以后,老师们往往先是感到热血沸腾,尔后却又会感到困难重重、困惑重重。为此,笔者认为在进行小学语文新课程教学时要注意处理好以下几个关系。一、实施新课程与提高教育质量的关系近日,集中听了不少小学语文新课程实验教师的课,其中,既有城市教师的课,也有农村教师的课。在听课的过程中,我发现广大实验教师勇于探索实践,已切实在课堂教学 Many schools and teachers think that the new curriculum is a beautiful blueprint for the future education of China and it is really good. When carrying out the new course training, especially after getting the experimental teaching materials, the teachers tend to feel very excited first, and then they will feel the difficulties and confusion. For this reason, I think we should pay attention to handling the following relationships when teaching Chinese new curriculum in primary school. First, the implementation of the new curriculum and improve the quality of education Recently, many listened to a lot of primary school Chinese new curriculum experimental teachers, of which, both urban teachers and rural teachers. In the process of lectures, I found that the majority of experimental teachers have the courage to explore practice, has been practically in-class teaching
中图分类号:G623.71文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2008)03-169-01  背景介绍:我从事音乐教育已经二十多年啦,对于音乐带给孩子们什么?而音乐教育又教会孩子什么?是我经常思考的问题。前些日子,我看了一部法国电影《放牛班的春天》,让我感触颇多,更感到音乐教育在启蒙阶段的重要性。  《放牛班的春天》讲述了这样一个故事:一个怀才不遇的音乐家,到了一家感化院做监工(相当于我们
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投资公益项目对社会有益、对政府有益,对企业家也有益。何乐不为呢? Investing in public welfare projects is beneficial to the society, beneficial to the government,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
作文教学一直是小学语文教学的重点与难点,也是许多语文教师不断探索、思考的热点话题。现就本人多年的教学实践,谈谈自己在教学中的一些做法。 Composition teaching has a