播撒文明 收获希望——去冬今春全省“三下乡”活动综述

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去冬今春,全省各地抓住元旦、春节和跨入新世纪喜庆之日的有利时机,开展了丰富多彩的“三下乡”活动,给冬日的陇原大地带来了浓浓春意。(一)集中活动是搞好“三下乡”的有效形式和成功经验,各地各部门对此十分重视。元旦前后,省直12家单位分四路,赴张掖、武威、白银、兰州、定西、平凉、庆阳、甘南、临夏等地,分别开展了文化、科技、卫生及综合性“三下乡”活动。各地也结合当地实际,积极抽调文化、科技和卫生等方面的骨干力量,开展了集中活动,掀起了“三下乡”活动的高潮。我省“三下乡”活动在坚持做好经常性服务的同时,还不断充实内容,创新形式,收到了很好的效果。在省科技厅组织的“科技下乡”暨“知识工程”活动中,甘肃农业大学园艺系、省农科院蔬菜所分别与临洮县签定了技术服务协议,使科技下乡向长期化、规范化和纵深化发展。安西县选出一批高产示范户、致富模范户组成科技宣讲队,用身边人讲身边事,将科技专家讲技术与高产致富户讲经验相结合,突出了针对性,解决了农民的许多疑难问题。临夏市从正月初六至正月十五,在南龙乡文化中心举办了“世纪 In the spring and winter of this year, the whole province has taken advantage of the favorable opportunities of New Year’s Day, Spring Festival and entering the festive occasion of the new century with a rich and colorful ”Three Going to the Countryside“ campaign, bringing a thick spring to the winter’s Longyuan land . (I) Concentration activities are the effective forms and successful experiences of doing a good job of ”going to the countryside“ and all localities and departments attach great importance to this. Before and after New Year’s Day, the provincial departmental direct 12 units divided into four routes to Zhangye, Wuwei, Baiyin, Lanzhou, Dingxi, Pingliang, Qingyang, Gannan, Linxia and other places, respectively, carried out culture, science and technology, health and comprehensive ” “activity. In all parts of the country, in combination with the actual conditions in the region, they actively dispatched the backbone forces of culture, science, technology and public health to carry out concentrated activities and set off the climax of the ”three rural areas“ activities. In our province, the activities of ”going to the countryside“ and ”going to the countryside“ persisted in doing a good job of regular service, and constantly enriched the contents and innovated forms and received good results. In the activity of ”Science and Technology to the Countryside“ and ”Knowledge Project“ organized by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Horticultural Department of Gansu Agricultural University and Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences signed a technical service agreement respectively with Linqu County to make science and technology go to the countryside To the long-term, standardized and in-depth development. Anxi selected a number of high-yield demonstration households, rich model group consisting of science and technology preaching team, with people around them, technology experts talk about technology and high-yielding rich households talk about experience, highlighting the pertinence and solve many problems farmers problem. Linxia City from the first lunar month to the first lunar January fifteen, held in South Longxiang Cultural Center ”century
目的 评估拉米夫定治疗乙型肝炎5年的长期疗效和安全性,以及对病毒变异发生率的影响.方法 429例HBsAg,HBeAg阳性的慢性乙型肝炎患者,先按3:1随机双盲分成拉米夫定组和安慰剂组