
来源 :Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shajia0902
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广东省电白县沿海的丘陵荒坡,在高温、多雨、风大的热带季风气候条件下,地表受侵蚀成为光板地。解放后,经过10多年使用植被重建的方法治理,已收到如下的初步效应:1.土壤的年侵蚀量减少,从15000立方米/平方公里降到2945—4400立方米/平方公里;2.松、桉混交林和松林下的地下水位都有显著提高;水位差的年变幅从荒坡的2.37米变为1米左右;3.植被重建后的小气候变化是:气温日变幅减少;地温显著降低;大气相对湿度提高;4.不同的植被类型对土壤改良的效应不同:土壤肥力在混交林下有显著提高;在纯林下的则提高不明显;5.7000多亩荒坡上的人工植被,有效地控制了水土流失,确保当地农业的高产稳产。 Dianbai County, Guangdong Province coastal hills and slopes, in the hot, rainy, windy tropical monsoon climate conditions, the surface erosion by the light board. After the liberation, after more than 10 years of using the methods of vegetation reconstruction, the following preliminary effects have been received: 1. The annual erosion of soil is reduced from 15,000 cubic meters per square kilometer to 2945 to 4400 cubic meters per square kilometer; The variation of water table is from 2.37m to 1m about the barren slope. 3. The microclimate changes after vegetation reconstruction are as follows: the daily variation of temperature decreases; The soil temperature decreased significantly; the relative humidity of the atmosphere increased; 4. The effect of different vegetation types on soil improvement was different: the soil fertility increased significantly under the mixed forest; the increase under the pure forest was not obvious; Vegetation, soil erosion control effectively, to ensure that the local agricultural high and stable yield.
Background: Insula infarction is an early computed tomographic sign of middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory stroke and may affect cardiovascular autonomic fun
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教学是师生双方的事情,但学习归根结底是学生自己的事情。在语文学科教学中还给学生自主学习的权利,是一个循序渐进的过程,针对这一过程,笔者分四步做了阐释。 Teaching is