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  1. We’d better go home soon. Look, the black clouds are gathering, that a big storm is on its way here.
  A. explaining B. indicating
  C. expressing D. grasping
  2. The exposure of footballers’ cheating shows that the in the sport’s popularity calls for much stricter competition and more law regulations.
  A. existence B. hardship
  C. progress D. boom
  3. The Premier paid a visit to our village, chatted with us and later joined us in a folk dance, without any of rank.
  A. distance B. justice
  C. prejudice D. distinction
  4. People have views on the policy published recently, because not everybody is in favor of it in the survey.
  A. excited B. surprised
  C. frightened D. mixed
  5. He can hardly his wife’s bad-temper, so he decided to seek divorce with her.
  A. teamed up with B. caught up with
  C. put up with D. kept up with
  6. Most of the same crew had worked on Almost Famous. We made the two movies and they couldn’t have been more beautiful dissimilar.
  A. shoulder by shoulder B. back to back
  C. hand in hand D. face to face
  7. He used dark ink to the shadowed part and to set off the bright part, forming the strong back lit effect of Western paintings.
  A. explain B. predict
  C. indicate D. inform
  8. He’s two other jobs as an insurance against not passing the interview for this one.
  A. applying in B. applying to
  C. applying at D. applying for
  9. Once they are out on the street, the cars will air and replace it with poison gases.
  A. take in B. take up
  C. take down D. take off
  10. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided.
  A. Speak out B. Take out
  C. Make out D. Mark out
  11. This amount of business can be done only because the money involved is transferred , checks.
  A. by this means B. by all means
  C. by no means D. by means of
  12. He also needs food several times a day to his strength and a shelter in which he can be safe from attack while he is sleeping.
  A. keep up B. keep away
  C. keep off D. keep out
  13. I tried to search for a Harlan Newspaper online but failed. So I made the that the newspaper was not online.
  A. decision B. assumption
  C. preparation D. correction
  14. I tell young people to read books instead of watching TV when they are free, because what they read their thinking.   A. strikes B. influences
  C. obtains D. decorates
  15. One kind of vacation is camping, from which many Americans derive pleasure and .
  A. shortcoming B. favor
  C. benefit D. interest
  16. The thirty-storey building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever .
  A. undergone B. overtaken
  C. understood D. undertaken
  17. We worked for ten years without finding anything, but we decided to stick with it. Now our patience has .
  A. paid off B. paid back
  C. given away D. given up
  18. I think we should fully make use of computer to learn knowledge rather than too much time to games.
  A. devote B. spend
  C. offer D. provide
  19. If we can people to eat more fruit and vegetables, then there will be fewer people killed by heart disease.
  A. persuade B. remember
  C. remind D. assure
  20. This concert is loved by lots of my classmates, but it is not in everyone’s .
  A. smell B. favor
  C. sound D. taste
  21. Most businessmen take full of the present favorable policy to expand their business.
  A. use B. advantage
  C. notice D. best
  22. At present, the international situation has undergone a tremendous change the people of all countries.
  A. in short of B. in favor of
  C. in charge of D. in case of
  23. It was that the old lady asked her if she was aware she was speaking to Miss Pinkerton.
  A. in vain B. in addition
  C. in case D. in order
  24. At last they are beginning to make money, and they hope in a few years to all their loans.
  A. pay back B. pay out
  C. pay off D. pay for
  25. The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they his bag but found nothing.
  A. looked up B. turned in
  C. searched for D. went through
  26. Color-blind people often find it difficult to between blue and green.
  A. distinguish B. compare
  C. contrast D. distribute
  27. It is time to rethink about our whole to language learning, to start facing reality and addressing the right issue.
  A. way B. method
  C. means D. approach
  28. Our new house is very for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.
  A. adaptable B. comfortable
  C. convenient D. available
  29. It would be rare for even an accomplished pianist to such a difficult piece without striking a single false note.   A. got down B. got away
  C. got off D. got through
  30. You’d better not swim in the river, because you may be swept by the rapid .
  A. position B. pressure
  C. stream D. current
  31. He claimed that he had not acted illegally, and also stated that he believed his girlfriend Jane to be of the charges against her.
  A. innocent B. ashamed
  C. proud D. tired
  32. In spite of his serious and illness, he still stuck to his post until he was forced to leave.
  A. stable B. stubborn
  C. firm D. solid
  33. After such a discussion, the author attempts to their death with the theme of the “American Dream”.
  A. relate B. associate
  C. cooperate D. combine
  34. This chart is matters relating to the applicant personally and the firm within which the applicant works.
  A. dived into B. turned into
  C. divided into D. slid into
  35. Where did this radiation come from and what was it like? Here was a secret of nature which Marie Curie to discover.
  A. set about B. set down
  C. set out D. set for
  36. The radio station had an open line on which listeners could to discuss various issues.
  A. call on B. call for
  C. call off D. call up
  37. If you want to know something more, please do not to contact me, or you can search internet for some more information.
  A. hesitate B. wander
  C. apply D. delay
  38. But the author of the paper has some doubts about it and thinks it more proper to
  chess and cards as a competitive game.
  A. satisfy B. clarify
  C. classify D. simplify
  39. As we sat down on the sofa, she that she and her husband had recently returned from a trip to Africa.
  A. remarked B. excused
  C. talked D. stated
  40. While we are today better prepared to prevent and fight off infectious diseases, we are still to coexist with them.
  A. concluded B. condemned
  C. confused D. consumed
  41. A flood of associations, visions of various ways he had made the of women, rushed into his mind and threatened to swamp it.
  A. decision B. function
  C. acquaintance D. use
  42. I feel sure that qualification, ability and experience, you are abundantly suited to the position we have in mind.
  A. in case of B. in terms of
  C. in the opinion of D. in the course of
  43. The employers and the trade union leaders are still far from reaching an agreement or a .   A. confidence B. comfort
  C. comment D. compromise
  44. I advise you to polish up your article , before you send it to the editor.
  A. all at once B. once in a while
  C. once or twice D. once more
  45. Greece is desperately financial and economic assistance to enable it to resume purchases of food, clothing, fuel and seeds.
  A. in time of B. in need of
  C. in charge of D. in place of
  46. We reached the Moon and came back, but we find it to cross our own street and meet our neighbors.
  A. tiresome B. quarrelsome
  C. lonesome D. troublesome
  47. The idea that he wanted to set up a nightclub seemed to and the nightclub was never formed.
  A. die out B. fade out
  C. block out D. leave out
  48. Even though he went through the papers carefully again and again, he regretted finding that he had still one important detail.
  A. dropped B. overlooked
  C. ignored D. showed
  49. A number of specific items that should be built into the web pages, the actual information that is to be held.
  A. apart from B. because of
  C. regardless of D. due to
  50. It was that liquid water had once flowed on Mars and an ancient atmosphere might have supported living organisms.
  A. arranged B. assumed
  C. questioned D. declared
  51. Every week, buy a watermelon at the grocery store and it after you put away your groceries.
  A. cut; down B. cut; up
  C. cut; in D. cut; off
  52. The soldiers moving through the area had to struggle against the bad weather, which could make the roads unable to pass.
  A. sensitive B. primitive
  C. negative D. alternative
  53. I am sorry to your meeting, but there is an urgent long-distance call for Mr Chow.
  A. answer B. bother
  C. disturb D. interrupt
  54. I went downstairs to look for the dog, and fell into unconsciousness . When I woke up, I was lying on the ground.
  A. somehow B. anyhow
  C. somewhat D. anyway
  55. The between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be.
  A. conclusions B. decisions
  C. divisions D. descriptions
  56. There were twenty books on a shelf by his desk, and I imagine this makes his entire library.
  A. at most B. at least
  C. at present D. at ease
  57. Many of its traditions to a time before agriculture, before the first humans settled Australia, and even before history as we know it.
  A. date back B. bring back
  C. ring back D. take back
  58. I’m those back-seat drivers telling me how to run things without doing any real work themselves.
  A. put up with B. caught up with
  C. ended up with D. fed up with
  59. I can assure that we will continue to
  ways to improve our international appeal by upgrading our information infrastructure in Hong Kong.
  A. look forward to B. look up to
  C. look ahead for D. look down on
  60. Before you me, you must tell me exactly how I happen to have broken the law!
  A. attack B. arrive
  C. arrest D. arrange
A  Job was not a brilliant man, yet he taught me about the essence of a “real man”. He 1 for work on time and he loved only one woman—his wife, Molly. He loved me as his very own grandchild, 2 he was
A  The Voice of America began during the World WarⅡ. When Germany was broadcasting a radio program to get international 1 , American officials believed they should 2 the German broadcast with words th
1. What Junichiro Koizumi(小泉) should do is not to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社),but to make an to the Chinese victims.  A. excuse B. attempt  C. apology D. effort  2. How could your friend
1. 某历史文献中有如下文字“倘遇有交涉词讼,管事官不能劝息,即移请华官公同查明其事,秉公定断,其英人如何科罪,由英国议定章程、法律发给管事官照办。华民如何科罪,应治以中国之法。”与这一历史文献最早相关的是( )  A. 第一次鸦片战争  B. 第二次鸦片战争  C. 甲午中日战争  D. 八国联军侵华  2. 下图是1845年到1850年发生的反清起义次数示意图(根据罗尔纲教授的《太平天国史稿》
1. China sent up two manned spaceships and they were also great scientific in the world.  A. campaigns B. surprises  C. achievements D. discoveries  2. In his speech he to the great help the club rece
1. With good treatment and care, Professor Smith unbelievably from heart attack in a week.  A. remained B. returned  C. retired D. recovered  2. — You look unhappy. Why?  — I’m always when I don’t get
1. Poor Helen is beloved as a friendly lady by all who knew her and had the same church for almost all her adult life.  A. belonged to B. owed to  C. went on with D. insisted on  2. The engines of the
1. Men’s for meat explains why men have more cases than women when it comes to high cholesterol, the study said.  A. priority B. preference  C. option D. selection  2. It’s generally thought that good
1. As is known, China is a developing country, to which new economy is a________as well as an opportunity.  A. construction B. challenge  C. link D. contribution  2. It is a___________of city life tha
1. The villagers in Barotopa, Bangladesh who have no connection with national electricity net have to electricity due to a solar energy project run by Grameen Shakti, a non-governmental organization i