
来源 :中国劳动经济学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacker0001
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本文通过贸易自由化与减贫关系的理论探讨,建立起了联立方程模型,并利用广义矩估计法(GMM)分析了农业贸易自由化、财政支农对农村减贫的影响。研究发现:农业贸易自由化促进了农业生产率的提高,提升了农村非农就业率和非农工资水平,缓解了农村贫困。贸易结构中,农产品出口更有利于农村减贫。财政支农投入构成了农村经济增长、缩小城乡差距和农村减贫的重要因素。区域比较中,西部农户在农业贸易自由化中处于不利地位,而加大对西部地区教育和水利设施的财政支持,具有更明显的减贫效果。 Through the theoretical discussion on the relationship between trade liberalization and poverty reduction, this paper established the simultaneous equations model and analyzed the impact of agricultural trade liberalization and financial support for rural poverty reduction by using generalized moment estimation (GMM). The study found that the liberalization of agricultural trade promoted the increase of agricultural productivity, promoted the non-agricultural employment rate in rural areas and the non-agricultural wage level, and alleviated the rural poverty. In the trade structure, the export of agricultural products is more conducive to reducing poverty in rural areas. Financial support for agriculture constitutes an important factor in rural economic growth, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and reducing poverty in rural areas. In the regional comparison, the farmers in the western regions are at a disadvantage in the liberalization of agricultural trade. However, increasing financial support for education and water conservancy facilities in the western region has a more obvious poverty reduction effect.
目的 :探讨小儿麻痹(简称儿麻)后遗症膝关节屈曲畸形的手术方式选择及术后功能康复训练。方法 :根据膝关节屈曲程度分别采用不同手术方式矫正 ,术后早期进行静力性肌肉等长收
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她走了,永远地走了。   中国女性很少有人能走得让世界轰动,而宋氏三  姐妹之一的宋美龄的逝世,却在全球引起一片悲声,  让众多的人感到震惊。   2003年10月23日(北京时间为24日)晚上,106  岁的宋美龄在美国纽约自己寓所平静地逝世了,不曾  想却成了国际媒体竟相报道的话题,轰动一时的新  闻。中国大陆及港澳报纸,中国台湾及华侨华人密集  的东南亚诸国各类传媒,都纷纷发表了
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