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四个兄弟,三场比赛,两天,一个头衔,第32次,也是1995年以来的第一次,美国人站到了戴维斯杯冠军的领奖台上。还应该加上一次狂欢,四个兄弟都醉了,他们在波特兰老城区最热的MCFADDEN俱乐部,伙同他们的200个狐朋狗友,一起大醉。罗迪克在疯狂地跳舞,他是地板上最有力的一只弹簧,鲍勃·布莱恩说他会迈克尔.杰克逊的超级舞步,他们根本就不想回酒店,一直到凌晨五点,鲍勃说:“大家全疯了。”他们真的值得这样疯狂,想想吧,美国有12年没有夺得过戴维斯杯了,但在前三场比赛就搞定了俄罗斯,这绝对是一个里程碑的时刻,美国网球协会的女主席说:“这将是对美国网球的一次最有力的推动。”而对于美国球迷来说,这更是一个燃爆热情的时候,43岁的埃克曼自从麦肯罗和桑普拉斯退出戴维斯杯赛场之后就再也没有来过,而这一次他又看到了戴维斯杯的激情,他是美国网球协会的名誉会员,但好多年没有尝到过甜头,而这一次,他终于比其它人早一个星期买到了戴维斯杯决赛的票。而对于四兄弟来说,波特兰值得永远记忆,它没有纽约或者洛杉矶那样大,因此网球有足够的注意力来引爆一座城市,USTA选择了一个最美妙的主场,让所有人热爱他们,鲍勃说,他心甘情愿做他们的无期囚徒,罗迪克说,这个城市带给他的光荣比所有的冠军更伟大。 Four brothers, three games, two days, one title, 32nd and for the first time since 1995, Americans got to the Davis Cup championship podium. There should also be a carnival, the four brothers are drunk, they are in Portland Old Town’s hottest MCFADDEN club, together with their 200 Hupenggouyou, get drunk together. Roddick was crazy dancing, he was the most powerful spring on the floor, Bob Bryant said he would Michael Jackson’s super dance, they do not want to go back to the hotel until 5:00, Bob said: “They are all crazy. ” They really deserve this crazy, think about it, the United States has not won the Davis Cup for 12 years, but in the first three games to get Russia, this is definitely a milestone The president of the American Tennis Association said: “This will be one of the most powerful impetuses for American tennis.” For the American fans, this is even more of a burning passion when the 43-year-old Eck Man has not been back since McEnroe and Sampras quit Davis Cup and this time he saw the Davis Cup passion, an honorary member of the American Tennis Association but for many years Not tasted the sweetness, and this time, he finally bought the Davis Cup final ticket one week earlier than the others. For four brothers, Portland is worth remembering forever, it’s not as big as New York or Los Angeles, so tennis has enough attention to detonate a city. USTA has chosen one of the most wonderful home places for everyone to love them. Bo said he was willing to be their indefinite prisoner, Roddick said, the glory brought by the city is greater than all the champions.
意甲战罢12轮,AC米兰的排名非常尴尬,目前仅以14分排在第11位。尽管他们少赛一场,但与亚特兰大那场夭折的比赛并没有像传言中那样判他们获胜,而是要择日重赛。  AC米兰在11场比赛中仅打进18球,前锋线上,除了吉拉迪诺有四球进账外,其他人都还没打开联赛进球账户。即便是吉拉迪诺,他的四个进球也只是在两场比赛中完成的(对桑普多利亚与对拉齐奥)。相比而言,米兰中场的成绩单却非常不错,卡卡进七球,西多夫
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