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很多人都说旅游产业能赚钱,可这一行的盈利点究竟在哪里?这一市场的特点都有哪些?对这一新兴行业,国内多数投资者恐怕还不是很“摸门儿”。下面这篇报道,既展示了国内旅游业的市场现状,又在介绍了发达国家先进经验的同时,提出了中国旅游业未来的发展之路。 Many people say that tourism industry can make money, but what is the profit point of this line? What are the characteristics of this market? For this emerging industry, I am afraid that most domestic investors is not very “Mo door child.” The following report, not only shows the current status of the domestic tourism market, but also introduces the advanced experience of developed countries at the same time, put forward the development of China’s tourism industry in the future.
Commercialization of acetylene hydrochlorination using AuCl3 catalysts has been impeded by its poor stability.We have been studying that nitrogen-modified Au/NA
重渡沟位于距洛阳市区150公里的栾川县潭头镇西南部,景区由金鸡河、滴翠河和水帘洞等景点组成,由于景区内泉水常年不断,流泉飞瀑成群,森林植被茂盛,翠竹碧水交织,形成了集 C
A new rubidium europium polyphosphate,RbEu(PO_3)_4,was synthesized by the high-temperature solution reaction and studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction(XRD
Mono-alkyl-functionalized pillar[5]arenes P1,P2,and P3 were synthesized by click reaction,which exhibited different self-assembly behavior in polar solvent DMSO
克山病是一种病因未明的心肌病 [1 ] ,经过多年的防治 ,目前急型克山病已很少见 ,临床上以慢型克山病(CKD)多见 ,其主要临床表现为慢性充血性心力衰竭。我们应用超声心动图观
目的 观察甲亢患者血清瘦素 (Leptin)的变化。方法 用放免法对已确诊的甲亢患者 37例与 2 5例健康体检者的血清Leptin浓度进行测定。结果 甲亢患者血清Leptin水平 (8.5 8