安宁的哈瑙小镇在访问联邦德国之前,就听说过,它的人口密度在欧洲是名列前茅的(仅次于荷兰和比利时)。生在十一亿人口的中国,一听到“人口密度”,就不免“心惊肉跳”!因为“人口密度”高,使我虽居家在首都北京,在周末却宁肯深居简出,过一天真正“休息”的假日,也不敢去故宫名园问津,特别是首都的三大繁华商业区——王府井、前门和西单,更是经年不去一次,因为拥挤在喧闹的人群之中,实是使人头昏目眩,难得有宁静的雅兴……那么,在欧洲经济最发达的联邦德国,这人口密度在大都市中必也有着可观的表现吧! 我正是怀着这样的心情在法兰克福走出机舱,进入了那宏大宽敞的候机室。嗬,真不愧为每年客运五千万人的第十二大机场,果然名不虚传。这里的奔忙熙攘,当然要超过我们的首都机场,只不过看起来工作却进行得井然有序,也没有听到有人恶声相向。机场
Before settling in the Federal Republic of Germany, the peaceful town of Hanau heard that its population density was among the best in Europe (after the Netherlands and Belgium). Because of its high population density, although I live in Beijing, the capital of China with a population of 1.1 billion, it is unavoidable for me to hear the “population density” Holiday, and did not dare to go to the Forbidden City, especially the capital’s three major downtown business district - Wangfujing, Qianmen and Xidan, it is not to go through the years, because crowded among the noisy crowd, it is really So dizzy, rare and quiet Jaxing ... then, in the most economically developed Federal Republic of Germany, this population density in the metropolis must also have a considerable performance! It is with such a mood I was out of the cabin in Frankfurt Into the huge spacious waiting room.嗬, really deserve to be the twelfth largest airport for passenger transport of 50 million people a year. The bustling here is, of course, more than our capital airport. It seems that the work has been carried out in an orderly manner and that no one has heard the vicissitudes of others. airport