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我国经济进入新常态后,国内炼油工业面临着巨大的挑战。石油需求增速放缓使炼油能力过剩问题凸显;环保要求趋严,使炼油企业油品质量升级、安全技能排放、绿色低碳发展和部分迁址的压力和成本明显增加;转型升级、沾边发展方式提质增效的要求更高。通过实地走访,设计问卷,对辽宁省部分石化企业进行调查,了解辽宁省石化企业在“十三五”规划后的现状、新面貌,找出产能、炼化等方面存在的问题,进行科学分析,为辽宁省石化行业的长效发展提出改良建议。 After the economy of our country has entered a new normal, the domestic oil refining industry is facing enormous challenges. The slowdown in the growth of oil demand highlights the problem of overcapacity; the tougher environmental requirements have led to a marked increase in the pressure and cost of refinery oil quality upgrading, safety and emission of technologies, green and low-carbon development and partial relocation; Improve the efficiency of the way higher requirements. Through field visits, designing questionnaires, investigating some petrochemical enterprises in Liaoning Province, understanding the status quo and new face of petrochemical enterprises in Liaoning Province after “13th Five-Year Plan”, finding out problems in production capacity, refining and other aspects, Scientific analysis, for the long-term development of petrochemical industry in Liaoning Province made recommendations for improvement.
On May 7, the Recitation of Chinese and Arabic Poems jointly sponsored by the China-Arab Friendship Association (CAFA) and the Arab Ambassadors Council in China
JAPANESE philosopher Dai-saku Ikeda once asked Dr. Ar-nold Toynbee, in the course oftheir discussions in the early1970s, in which age and placein history he wou
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